Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記231023 課題研究「システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について」インデックス (リスト 1 )

2023-10-23 18:02:09 | 研究論説

朝日記231023 課題研究論文等目次と概容 とインデックス(リスト 1 )

朝日記231023 課題研究論文等目次と概容 とインデックス (続き 2)





荒井康全課題研究論文等 目次と概容 とインデックス(October, 2023版)

“ System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality”;

Contents and Abstracts


荒井 康全


TEL;042 795 3348

Yasumasa Araia

Senior  Professional Chemical Engineer

Email: araraiypol1a@ozzio.jp


荒井康全の総合知学会課題研究「システム思考で目的論理の構造と社会倫理について」論文等投稿リスト(October, 2023版)

Article Issues List of On “ System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality”

  Content is shown at clinking a mark in cell, and Abstract is read at clicking mark of red letter in cell.








【論文】 序論 システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について I
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality I



概容abstract  [i]





( システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について III)

【研究ノート】 目的論理の構造としての「自由意志」と「因果性」を考える
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality III

Essays and Briefings on “Human Free Will” and “Natural Causality”
-Reflection on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason-

概容 abstract  [ii]





【巻頭言】 「形而上学への意識」
Prefatory Note [iii]





【論文 】 システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理についてII

System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality II

( On Frame-work Seeking onto Upper-Bounds of Objectives )   [iv]






【巻頭言】 アダム・スミス問題と道徳性について
Prefatory Note   [v]





【論文 】 システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について IV


On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality IV

Essay on Frame work on Value Incommensurability and Value Pluralism

概容 abstract   [vi]





【論文 】 システム思考における目的論理と社会倫理についてV
System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality IV
Social Institution, and System Pluralism

概容 abstract  [vii]





【論文 】Paper
システム思考における目的論理の構造と社会倫理について VI
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality VI
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath “Entropy, Function and Evolution”

概容abstract    [viii]






【論文 】Paper
システム思考における目的論理 の構造と社会倫理について VII
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality VII
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath “Constitutive Explanations as a Methodological Framework for Integrating Thermodynamics and Economics”


概容abstract  [ix]





【パブリックコメント 】Public Comments
About recruiting opinions for the formulation of “basic way of thinking about nuclear energy use”


概容abstract  [x]

荒井 康全




システム思考による目的論構造と社会倫理について VIII

System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality(On ‘Mind and OS’とアルゴリズム・パラダイム)

概容 abstract    [xi]

荒井 康全




2050 年までのエネルギー政策と新核兵器廃絶運動
Energy policy by 2050 And New nuclear weapons abolition movement

概容 abstract  インデックス (続き 2)

神出 瑞穂
荒井 康全





システム思考における目的論理と社会倫理について -IX ヘルマン‐ピラース「技術圏」概念について-
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality IX Herrmann-Pillath’s “Technosphere” As a New Discipline

概容 abstract インデックス (続き 2)

荒井 康全




システム思考における目的論理構造と社会倫理について X ~コロナ疫学モデルの化学反応動力学的解釈と解析法展開~
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality X ―Pandemic Social Modeling, its Perspectives to Chemical Engineering Kinetics ―

概容 abstract  インデックス (続き 2)







概容 abstract  インデックス (続き 2)

荒井 康全




システム思考における目的論理構造と社会倫理について XI ~ アレキシウス・マイノングと「非存在性対象」を 考える意味と効用について~
On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality XI ―Alexius Meinong and his Concept on Non-existent Object―


概容 abstract  インデックス (続き 2)

荒井 康全
Yasumasa Arai




国語の試験問題を読む「共通 1 次」を読書すること(国語はおもしろい)
Why Not Enjoy the Literature Exams?


概容 abstract   インデックス (続き 2)

荒井 康全
Yasumasa Arai



Under Preparing to upload


システム思考における目的論理構造と社会倫理 XIII 「意識」について考えること Chapter-wise Summaries and Comments to Article ‘Consciousness’(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

朝日記120910(その1表紙ページ) システム思考における目的論理構造と社会倫理 XIII「意識」について考えること (その1)


概容 abstract  インデックス (続き 2)

荒井 康全

Yasumasa Arai




Under Preparing to upload


システム思考におけるに目的論構造と社会倫理について XIV ~L. Ciompi 「システム理論における感情の意義について」~ On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality XIV Ciompis’ Note “On the Significance of Emotions in System Theory”

朝日記230910L. Ciompi 「システム理論における感情の意義について」システム思考におけるに目的論構造と社会倫理について XIV


概容 abstractインデックス (続き 2)  

荒井 康全

Yasumasa Arai



Under Preparing to upload

【Shorter Communication】


朝日記23091 1徒然こと「丸い四角は、まるいか」


概容abstract  インデックス(続き 2)   

荒井 康全

Yasumasa Arai






朝日記240325  私が2023年に書いた報文コレクト




[i] SJ2013-05


No.1 システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について

-序論 カント「判断力批判」を読んで-

On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality  I

- Reflections on Kant's Critique of Judgement –

Abstract: General system thinking is organised fundamentally by objectives and constraints and we look into the meaning of decision making taking into account "human free will" and "natural causality", so-called. That is to say, we enquire into the concept of purpose in its human and social dimensions. We do this with reference to Kant's Critique of Judgement and consider, in particular, the teleological problem structure.

Keywords: General system thinking , Kant's Critique of Judgement ,"human free will" ,"natural causality", teleological problem structure




[ii] SJ2013-08

No.2 ( システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について III)



On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality III

Essays and Briefings on “Human Free Will” and “Natural Causality”
-Reflection on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason-


Abstract: “Human Free Will” and “Natural Causality” have historically bothered our philosophical thinkings as an antinomy of ideas, which were considered as logically inable to stand together. Immanuel Kant, however, had finally solved it by introducing a concept of ‘human under phenomenum’ , discovered in his days of 18th century. This paper is a set of this auther’s essays with discussion briefs, through which is presented readers what and how the solution has fundamentally meant and potentially influenced still now to our social and academic activity of thinkings.

keywords: human will, natural causality, Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, phenomenon, noumenon, initiation, epistemology


[iii] SJ2014-01

No.3-1 巻頭言「形而上学への意識」

 Consciousness onto Metaphysics

Keywords: システム(System) 「体系」Noumenon(可想体) Phenomenon(可視体(現象体))

「動的世界システム概念」「動的世界システム 概念」


[iv] SJ2014-08


No 3-2 【論文 】 システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理についてII

System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality II

( On Frame-work Seeking onto Upper-Bounds of Objectives ) 


Abstract: General System Thinking is a theory of an object under concern taken as organized fundamentally frame with objectives and constraints and this author looks into the meaning of decision making taking into account "human free will" and "natural causality", so-called. That is to be said, he enquires into the concept of purpose in its human and social dimensions. He does this with reference to Kant's Critique of Judgement and consider, in particular, an ’ upper bound’teleological problem structure. This is a collection of essays, where he places the focus to terms of “transcendental” and “experience” where he reviews the epistemological background through Immanuel Kant, how this philosopher provides ideas to modern science with respect to the status of a prestigious position into human world, and after then , what kind of problem we have unavoidably faces the fundamental problems to be overcome in a view point of philosophy under diversified and fundamental background to morality in order to sustainably and peacefully share globally the

human society and the nature, now and future.

keywords: System Subject, Object, Upper-bound-objectives, Transcendental, Experience,

Model, Ultimate Being, Kant, arbitrate free, Voluntarism, Intellectualism, Parmquist, Model of God


キーワーズ: システム、 主観、 客観、 上限目的性、超越論的、 経験、 モデル、 究極存在(者)、カント、見届ける自由、意味論、知性主義、パームキスト、神のモデル



[v] SJ2015-01

No.4 巻頭言 アダム・スミス問題と道徳性について

 “Adam Smith Problem”

Keywords:「アダム・スミス問題 」「道徳感情論 」道徳性 (morality) 功利主義 超越主義的道徳性 ドイツ政府「安全なエネルギー供給のための 倫理委員会 」




[vi] SJ2015-07

No.5 システム思考での目的論理の構造と社会倫理について IV


 On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality IV Essay on Frame work on Value Incommensurability and Value Pluralism (2016/12/16)

 Abstract: General System Thinking is a theory of an object under concern to be taken as organized fundamental frame with objectives and constraints. This author looks into the meaning of decision making taken into account as "human free will" and "natural causality", so-called. That is to be said, he enquires into the concept of purpose in its human and social dimensions. He does this at this paper, with reference to the concept “Value Incommensurability” and “Value Pluralism”, where are clues to resolving the problem. A problem between different bearers of value are presented with both keywords of values under corresponding items in conflict. Through this discussion, he will give four items of proposition on the way of guidance to resolve an incommensurability.

keywords: Bearers of value, Incommensurability, Incomparability, Pluralism,


 キーワード: 価値所有(者)、共約不可能性、比較不可能性、多元主義


[vii] SJ2015-08

No.6 システム思考における目的論理と社会倫理について V

制度(論)からみたシステムの多元的目的論理  総合知学会誌 Vol.2015/1 148

 System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality IV Social Institution, and System Pluralism 

Abstract: General System Thinking is a theory of an object under concern taken as organized fundamentally frame with objectives and constraints, and this author, so far, has looked into the meaning of decision making taken into account “human free will” and “natural causality”, so called. That is to be said, he extends into the concept of purpose in its individual and social dimension. After his reviewing, through previous papers of this transaction of society, on human objectivity through the reference to Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement, this author has further enquired human-seeking to the logical boundary of his or her upper bound of objectives. This means to consequently appeared to the author, a problem with objective plurality and cultural incommensurability, as an example such as a disputable whale and dolphin conservation and fishery business matter. This article is here, paying his focus taken on John Searle’s theory of Institution and trying enquiring more clear envisage on system objectivities.

 keywords: Institution Agency Plurality Incommensurability epistemical, ontological function, object sign, distributive justice, John Searle, Masahiko Aoki ,Yasumasa Arai

 キーワード:制度 制度論 機関 多元性 共約不可能性 認識論的 存在論的 機能 対象 記号 分配的公正 サール 青木昌彦 荒井康全 


[viii] SJ2016-09

No.7 システム思考における目的論理の構造と社会倫理について VI  総合知学会誌 Vol.2016/1

カルステン・ヘルマン‐ピラース「エントロピー、機能(関数)および進化: パース記号論の自然化」  

On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality VI

 Carsten Herrmann-Pillath“ Entropy, Function and Evolution: Naturalizing Peircian Semiosis”

Abstract: General System Thinking is a theory of an object under concern to be taken as organized fundamental frame with objectives and constraints. This author looks into the meaning of decision making taken into account as "human free will" and "natural causality", so-called, that is to be said. He enquires into the concept of purpose in its human and social dimensions. He works this at this paper, by Japanese language translating and analytic review on Carsten Herrmann-Pillath’s paper which is the conceptual frame-work in terms of Entropy, Function and Evolution by use of so-called “Naturalizing Peircian Semiosis”. Major concerns here are put as focused on Semiosis shortly as information meaning and function structure. Entropy is introduced here as a clue of quantitative index for potentially measuring human quality scales.

 Keywords: information; functions; Jaynes’ approach to entropy; observer relativity; maximum entropy production; evolution of functions; Peirce’s concept of semiosis; semiosphere


キーワード: 情報(information);Jaynes エントロピー・アプローチ;観察者相対性;最大エントロピ ー・プロダクション;機能(関数)の進化(evolution of functions);パース(Peirce)記号概念




[ix]  SJ2016-10


No.8 システム思考における目的論理 の構造と社会倫理について VII 総合知学会誌 Vol.2016/1

 カルステン・ヘルマン-ピラース「熱力学と経済学を統合化する方法論的枠組み としての構成的説明」 

 On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality VII

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath “ Constitutive Explanations as a Methodological Framework for Integrating Thermodynamics and Economics”

Abstract: General System Thinking is a theory of an object under concern to be taken as organized fundamental frame with objectives and constraints. This author looks into the meaning of decision making taken into account as "human free will" and "natural causality", so-called, that is to be said. He enquires into the concept of purpose in its human and social dimensions. In this context he takes here, Carsten Herrmann-Pillath’s paper which is the conceptual frame-work in terms of “ Constitutive Explanations as a Methodological Framework for Integrating Thermodynamics and Economics””. Major concerns here are put as focused on a common approach to integrating thermodynamics and economics is subsuming thermodynamic aspects among the set of constraints under which economic activity takes place. The causal link between energy and growth is investigated via aggregate econometric analysis.   

Keywords: constitutive explanations; causal mechanisms; energy and growth; rebound effect; urbanization



[x] SJ2016-12


No.9  パブリックコメント「原子力利用に関する基本的な考え方」策定の向けたご意見の募集について   総合知学会誌 Vol.2016/1

Abstract: “About recruiting opinions for the formulation of “basic way of thinking about nuclear energy use” Abstract: The Cabinet Office Nuclear Policy Department offered to call the public comment on the formulation of “basic way of thinking about nuclear energy use.” This author submitted his comment especially from the point of view to the new conceptual definition to ‘risk’ and on ISO31000 as risk management of ISO.

 Keywords: Cabinet Office Nuclear Policy Department, basic way, nuclear energy use, risk concept, ISO31000






[xi]  SJ2017-05


No.10 システム思考による目的論構造と社会倫理について VIII   総合知学会 Vol. 16, 2017


System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality VIII (On ‘Mind and OS’ and Algorithmic Paradigm)


Abstract: Goedel’s Incomplete Theorem is known on non guaranty for reaching the truth of the mathematical axiomatic system at early days of the last century, and after then, so called Algorithmic idea is come out in emergence both thorough Turing Machine,and Wiener’s Cybernetic. It is now thoroughly acknowledged as what leads us to the resolutely reality at every field for social and technology domains, i.e. Intelligent Technology(IT). This is collective essays which are of touching with a percept to be shared between Philosophy and Algorithm.

Keywords: Goedel, Incomplete Theorem, Algorithmic methodology, Epistemology Mind and OS




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