Asanikki 190918 On Proposal by Mr.Matsui, mayor of Osaka city, I support him
On Proposal by Mr.Matsui, mayor of Osaka city, I support him ,
1. as brave since there is no politician in this country to have an positive idea what and how this nation is to take the next step to the Fukushima water treatment.
2. as smart since he stands on support to take the criteria of safely releasing it to the sea.
3. as tricky since he knows on no scientist here in Japan to set the criteria of releasing it.
4. as active since he seeks to take the criteria based on the international rule of agreement.
5. as smart again since he persuades the international counterparts as for releasing actually water to the bay of Fukushima site.
6. as brave again since put Fukushima water to the Osaka bay, as symbolic answer what he says.
Mr. Koizumi, a new minister of Emvionment, is recommended to see and listen to Mr.Matsui, as swiftly as possible.
That is a big clue to reach his achievement as future carrier to the Primer. Even If not success, he is aknowledged as a man of break-thru.
Oh, Mr.Matui and his party will be promised as an significant power in politics here.
The Sankei News report: