朝日記210611 Asanikki essays, what Yasumasa Arai says,Reader"s Index to.
Asanikki 210828 Tachibana Sumika Discourse Yamatowe 橘樹住香「つづりかた」シリーズ
Dear My Friends;
This time , Yasumasa Arai, myself as this Asanikki writer, makes a brief summary of Asanikki, which are aiming to serve his reader- guests who are wandering of paths on various categorical articles for their arbitrary and favorite(if so) key items overviewed .
The writer are often watching to get to know what is popular from his visitors favoring footsteps and locus by data recorded to visitor counts and of articles. He is very encouraged himself. and is sometimes found himself what is just concerned on own direction to how.
Asanikki that term means morning notes in English. which Yasumasa Arai has been continued to write since 2005.
Starting at Alumni blog 'Todai net' (University Tokyo alumni blog) and after rested while , restarted it at 2009 at this Goo Blog. which was mentally linked with his rehabilitation to thyroid cancer 2009.
Drawing and painting are his new focus of mental and physical life and soon philosophy are a vehicle of chasing to see his state of concern. He attended Professor Daisaburo Hashitsume to sociology course, The Tokyo Institute of Technology and open lecture course of the TANAHA (as the Old Testament in Christianity ) from 2010 to 2014. Additionally, he had couples of term exams of the course under generosity and kind courtesy by the professor.
During the course, Arai was invited to “Sougouhchi Gakkai” ( The Society of Multi-disciplinary Knowledge (Chaired by Dr. Shoei Komatsu ) ) .
He presented his activities in which he has been deeply engaged, for instance, on social opinion releases by experimental use of so called as Social Network System (SNS).
His daily messages in the terms of Asanikki , which is under linked multiply with face book and YouTube and with his daily E-mail releasing to community.
Second, he sets up his research project in terms of "On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality" on 2013. He wrote more than tens of treatise written on the society Journal from 2013 to 2020. which are registered and shown publicly to the National Diet Library. You can also make to reach to articles from this summary.
He had sometimes concerned and written here, some political and social items through SNS to get quick information and university library.
As for his art works, he uses the blog, initially as simple posted as storehouse for his works and soon after then showed them for his little expecting to share feelings and communication to others, both in his drawing art activities and in his philosophical thinking.
The Ongaku Kaiga is composite art of drawings and paintings piece which is digital space streaming with music covering. At early stage, his performances of Schubert lieder, for instance, and later, Maestro Jaap Rimlock, his dear friend music composer, and digital art streamer of Amsterdam, Holland are kindly offered him his music pieces for accompany use to hid Ongaku kaiga, and further Ongaku kamishibai covered by. He also thanks YouTube for their accommodation of music stocks. Ongaku Kaiga and Kamishibai are uploaded and reaching to amounts of 500 volumes.
It is quite happy and thankful of that total numbers of visit are over 940 thousand(at June of 2021) and reaching to a million in sight.
One thing adding more, you can surely enjoy of Pages of Tachibana Sumika, who is a great artist of Japan’s authentic and classic paintings, in Nihon-Ga (YamatoWe). He is Yasumasa’s brother.
I am great pleased and welcoming to have you, my dear visiters here.
Thanks a lot, Yasumasa Arai.
Index content to reach to pages of your concern of ;
以下の記事です;the folloging items;
(Main Pages)
Asaniki 210611 Asanikki index (1 )朝日記インデックス
「酒神礼賛シリーズ」Autographic sires
Bucchus and Summer days, His brief bakground, and Amazon book review writings
20s essays to miscelaneous concerns
Chopan, Hokkaido
Asaniki 210611 Asanikki index (2 )朝日記インデックス
以下の記事です;the folloging items;
親しい友人との交信 Essays to Friends
Kazuyoshi Takahashi, Keiya Fukuda, Sato Eiko, etc.
芸術活動 Art Essays 16 essays on Art views
音楽紙芝居・音楽絵画 Selection of Ongaku-Kamishibai and Ongaku-Kaiga
13 on movie pieces and talks
Asanikki 210611 Asaniki index(3) 朝日記インデックス
以下の記事です;the folloging items;
首相官邸への手紙 Letters to the Prime Minister
政治評論 Political critics and Views
15 of notes as Topical, Donald Trump, Yuriko Koike, etc.
Asanikki210611 Asanikki index(4) 朝日記インデックス
以下の記事です;the folloging items;
哲学評論 Critics of Philosophy
17s 0f notes as Gouinlock, Toqueville, Immanuel Kant, Heidegar, Ruth Benedict, Hanna Arendt,etc.
科学哲学 Views from Philosophy of Science
7s of note on view,
論文 On papers
Lists of Philosophy Writings
翻訳 Translation of several items mainly from Stanford Encycopedia of Philosophyanna
Michell Foucault, Alexius Meinong, John Stuart Mill,
Collective Responsibility, Scientic Objectivity ,
and Techonocene,
~~~Read the followong Addition of Articles below:
Asaniki 210611 増補版 酒神礼賛(Autographic)シリーズ 2021-08-13
(Appendix Pages)
Tachibana Sumika 橘樹住香
HIs discourses 「つづりかたシリーズ」
Asanikki 210828 Tachibana Sumika Discourse Yamatowe 橘樹住香「つづりかた」シリーズ
Asaniki 210611 Asanikki index (1 )朝日記インデックス
===Communications with My readers below ===
- 橋爪大三郎さんからのコメント (Yasumasa Arai)
- 2021-06-14 20:43:41
- 橋爪大三郎さんからのコメント
未来に残したい授業 公式ページ (miraiju21.com)
- this is a very nice overview of your life. (Dear friend and maestro,Jaap Rimlock)
- 2021-06-16 16:31:52
- Dear friend Yassi san,
Tineke and I think this is a very nice overview of your life.
The life part of art and philosophy which arose after the part of life in which work was central.
Being allowed to retire gives you and me so many extra options and opportunities, which everyone tries to fill in in their own way.
I too am honored that my music was allowed to play a role in the publications of the artworks you have created.
And although Covid-19 has so far made it impossible for us to travel since early 2020, we try to continue to stimulate the creativity of our minds,by engaging with new ideas and seeing challenges in the limitations imposed.
But despite this, aging also exposes more human limitations for Tineke and me. A process we cannot escape.
For example, traveling to our beloved destinations in Japan and meeting dear friends will unfortunately no longer be possible, not even after the Covid period.
With a kiss from Tineke and our warm greetings from all of us, to your whole family of your friends from Oranda :)
Ido Sebastian
- From Coco, My beloved daughter, (Unknown)
- 2021-06-17 20:35:59
- From Coco, My beloved daughter 2021-6-17;
I read the attached morning diary of Daddy. thank you for sharing.
DAD,you can choose words that much easier to communicate in English than in Japanese, so it is easier for me to understand what you are trying to say, what you really mean, and what you are feeling when you write in English.
(Of course, technical terms are still difficult to understand whether they are in Japanese or English, though.(^-^ゞ)
I recently realized that communicating in English is much simpler and easier to understand you and your feelings, and for me to communicate with you!
In any case, it's wonderful that you've been using your morning diary to share your personal history, your thoughts, and your impressions of what you read in newspapers and books for so many years.
The combination of painting and music is also a very interesting idea. It's a wonderful habit that I admire.
It would be great if you could share your impressions of how you feel after getting the vaccine in your morning diary, which I'm sure would be of great interest to many people, including me.I'm looking forward to it.
good luck!!
See you
- Taikyoku ken Nakamura sensei (Unknown)
- 2021-06-18 21:45:02
- 荒井康全へ:
- to U3J Tsukatni san (Yasumasa Arai)
- 2021-09-02 07:03:38
- 塚谷さん
HEARTの会会報でたまってきたので 朝日記に彼のページを作りました。
未来に残したい授業 公式ページ (miraiju21.com)
Tineke and I think this is a very nice overview of your life.
The life part of art and philosophy which arose after the part of life in which work was central.
Being allowed to retire gives you and me so many extra options and opportunities, which everyone tries to fill in in their own way.
I too am honored that my music was allowed to play a role in the publications of the artworks you have created.
And although Covid-19 has so far made it impossible for us to travel since early 2020, we try to continue to stimulate the creativity of our minds,by engaging with new ideas and seeing challenges in the limitations imposed.
But despite this, aging also exposes more human limitations for Tineke and me. A process we cannot escape.
For example, traveling to our beloved destinations in Japan and meeting dear friends will unfortunately no longer be possible, not even after the Covid period.
With a kiss from Tineke and our warm greetings from all of us, to your whole family of your friends from Oranda :)
Ido Sebastian
I read the attached morning diary of Daddy. thank you for sharing.
DAD,you can choose words that much easier to communicate in English than in Japanese, so it is easier for me to understand what you are trying to say, what you really mean, and what you are feeling when you write in English.
(Of course, technical terms are still difficult to understand whether they are in Japanese or English, though.(^-^ゞ)
I recently realized that communicating in English is much simpler and easier to understand you and your feelings, and for me to communicate with you!
In any case, it's wonderful that you've been using your morning diary to share your personal history, your thoughts, and your impressions of what you read in newspapers and books for so many years.
The combination of painting and music is also a very interesting idea. It's a wonderful habit that I admire.
It would be great if you could share your impressions of how you feel after getting the vaccine in your morning diary, which I'm sure would be of great interest to many people, including me.I'm looking forward to it.
good luck!!
See you
HEARTの会会報でたまってきたので 朝日記に彼のページを作りました。