Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記150403 音楽絵画248函館、早春 と今日の絵

2015-04-03 20:31:35 | 音楽絵画

朝日記150403 音楽絵画248函館、早春 と今日の絵

こんばんは。2週間ほど 間が空きました。

新作 音楽絵画 Hakodate,Early Springです。

函館、早春 と今日の絵(音楽は「ウィーン,わが街」)


We, 8 of us, had a happy family trip over Hakodate, Hokkaido in the end of March.
Thanks God, the weather is very nice. There is the Spring coming.
Food is excellent. I had then 30 of quick drawings, and so, this time No,248 Ongaku Kaiga are presented here.



函館、早春 と今日の絵(ヴァリエーション) Leon Van Dyke「希望のささやき」(英版)です。


No,248  variation of Ongaku Kaiga are presented here.

Music covering is Whispering hope by Leon Van Dyke.

We, 8 of us, had a happy family trip over Hakodate, Hokkaido in the end of March.
Thanks God, the weather is very nice. There is the Spring coming.
Food is excellent. I had then 30 of quick drawings, and so, this time


昼の国も、夜の国も(Isuzu homage)




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紹介 (コトタマ学)
2015-04-05 22:43:48
言霊百神 http://futomani.jp/

