(2024-09-29 19:48:36 | 日記)
自民党の総裁に石破氏が決まった。私... -
(2024-06-26 21:29:24 | 日記)
最近、政府によるステルス増税が重なっているなと感じている。少子化対策の財源だと... -
(2024-03-20 16:46:28 | 日記)
最近、戦争準備の動きが目立って感じ... -
(2023-07-11 14:04:14 | 日記)
マイナンバーカードで色々な問題が指摘... -
(2023-04-18 13:50:14 | 小説「沖縄戦」)
沖縄軍最後の命令 有馬八朗 ... -
(2023-03-16 15:50:05 | 日記)
ロシアのウクライナ侵攻が始まってか... -
Call things by their name
(2023-02-26 15:59:14 | My English Diary)
DATE: 03/27/2015 When I was reading the... -
(2023-01-31 14:41:15 | 日記)
教職員組合板橋支部の元支部長である立... -
Opinion about the declining birth rate
(2023-01-05 14:46:38 | My English Diary)
DATE: 05/22/2014 I was watching the pro... -
Emperor Meiji Stand-in Suspicion
(2022-12-06 11:07:58 | My English Diary)
"Emperor Meiji stand-in suspicion" A co... -
Hugo Chavez won the election
(2022-11-23 11:09:37 | My English Diary)
DATE: 10/08/2012 Venezuela's President ... -
(2022-11-12 13:43:50 | My English Diary)
DATE: 09/28/2013 I saw someone write on... -
Antinuclear Demonstration
(2022-11-08 11:12:48 | My English Diary)
DATE: 07/19/2012 I did not go to Yoyogi... -
Aging Society
(2022-10-28 10:59:10 | My English Diary)
DATE: 04/25/2012 I saw the fomer Tokyo ... -
12 P.M.
(2022-10-25 11:07:47 | My English Diary)
DATE: 01/05/2011 The British Embassy in... -
US Base
(2022-10-10 20:00:55 | My English Diary)
DATE: 05/30/2010 Japan is an independen... -
Suspicious Incident
(2022-09-17 14:46:51 | My English Diary)
Suspicious IncidentDATE:08/01/2009I hear... -
Holocaust Museum
(2022-09-08 10:19:02 | My English Diary)
An elderly gunman linked to an anti-Jewi... -
Provocative Remarks
(2022-09-02 15:31:20 | My English Diary)
DATE:06/13/2009I saw a talk show several... -
George W Bush
(2022-08-18 13:45:43 | My English Diary)
DATE: 02/15/2009His term as the presiden...