I wish 2019-09-29 07:00:00 | 日記 From just now. Also from just this moment.I wish I make change my life.What do you eat breakfast.What do you take rip color.What do you get your clothes.Everything I will do,I choose the way for me.
hope 2019-09-20 23:38:27 | 日記 また一つ夢がかなう。 大好きなあなたに会える。 嬉しいなあ。 環境を変えるのも 好きな国に行くのも 大好きな人に会うのも 強く強く強く願えば ちゃんと流れは動き出す。 This's exactly what I wanted. Everything will be come true if you have hope. Hopes is a word. Words become actions. Action becomes a Customs. Customs will lead to the future, and that will be my life. Hope changes my life.
It isn't easy for anyone 2019-09-18 21:51:06 | 日記 元の私に戻ろうとした時 残るのはやっぱり 本当の気持ちだけ。 色んな目に見えるものに惑わされて 不安に押しつぶされたり 自分を否定したり。 でもね 私にしかわからないこともあるよ。 私にとって 死ぬまで貫き通していいものもあるよ。 たとえ 誰にも理解してもらえなくてもね。 I have nothing to be ashamed of my life. Even if no one understands my way of life, there is nothing wrong. Because I have knew true love for him. I have changed myself. I will improve everything in myself now on. It isn't easy for anyone to done. "With my head high. Make a stand with my head high." "l took one step closer to change.Didn't wanna see me.Break these chains.Being more than just a name and a face. " 胸を張って生きればいい。
やめた 2019-09-17 23:57:20 | 日記 I stopped thinking. Think about tomorrow after the sun rises. They will make me idiot. But it's not problem for me. They say a lot, but I shouldn't criticize me. They No matter what happens, I laugh and live.
From now on, 2019-09-16 21:14:57 | 日記 Everything he did was frustrated for me. But that is not true. I was just frustrated with myself. This is not his problem, it is my way of thinking. I can do everything no matter what he does. I can do everything no matter what they say. わからないと嘆く前に わかることだけはやればいい。 あいつのせいでと怒る前に わたしにできることをすればいい。 わたしを取り囲む全ての環境は わたしをどう生かすかに全く関係がないよ。 わたしを生かすのは わたしのこの考え方と そこに基づいた行動と そして 全てを決める直感だから。 I will improve myself. From now on, just like it used to be. ほんの少しでもね。