

PricewaterhouseCoopers officially rebrands to PwC(Accountancy Age)


PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world's biggest accountancy practice is rebranding to officially become "PwC".

The new branding goes live on Monday 20 September on PwC’s websites around the world and includes a simplified logo consisting of the initials "pwc" in lower-case type.

However, "PricewaterhouseCoopers" remains the full name of the global organisation for legal purposes and will be the name used by PwC firms to sign company audits.


Deloitte lines up "borderless" business in two years

DeloitteのグローバルCEOが、インタビューで、「As One」戦略を導入してボーダーレス企業を作りたいという希望を述べたという記事。

Deloitte's global CEO Jim Quigley hopes to create a "borderless enterprise" with the introduction of its As One strategy


Quigley's "As One" strategy is due to roll out across all Deloitte's practices over the next two years.

Speaking to Accountancy Age, Quigley said that international clients should be treated consistently across borders.

"There should not be one type of methodology in Canada and a different in Japan, there should be a single structure used by all practices," said Quigley.


Five for FASB: Golden Appointed to Board(CFO)

米国の会計基準設定主体であるFASBの新しい理事が決まったという記事。新しい理事は、FASBのテクニカル・ディレクターを6年間務めてきた人物であり、任期前に退任したRobert Herz氏の後任となります。もともとはDeloitteの会計研究パートナーだったそうです。

Russell Golden, the technical director of FASB for the past six years, moves into the board seat vacated by Robert Herz.

The trustees of the Financial Accounting Foundation have appointed Russell Golden to the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Golden, whose five-year term begins on October 1, is currently FASB's technical director, and will fill the vacancy left by the early retirement of board chairman Robert Herz, which was announced in August.

A former accounting research partner with the national office of Deloitte, Golden, 40, joined FASB's staff in January 2004 and became technical director in June 2008. He has helped the board address some of the most contentious accounting issues of the past decade, including stock-option expensing, fair-value accounting, the valuation of financial instruments, and the convergence project to mesh U.S. generally accepted accounting principles with international accounting standards.


Counting Golden, the board now consists of two auditors, an academic, and a user and preparer of financial statements.


Golden says he considers his point of view to be less that of an auditor and more of someone with an "open mind" about improving financial reporting, which includes balancing investor concerns with the cost of improvements to preparers and auditors.




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