企業の温暖化ガス排出開示 国際ルール、来年適用(記事冒頭のみ)
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), at its meeting on 16 February 2023 in Montreal, has taken its final decisions on all the technical content of its initial Standards, informed by feedback it received during extensive consultation last year. With the substance of the Standards now fully agreed, the ISSB unanimously approved entering the thorough drafting and formal ‘balloting’ process of the Standards, ahead of their expected issuance at the end of Q2 2023.
At the meeting, the ISSB agreed that its initial IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, S1 and S2, will become effective starting January 2024. Given sustainability disclosure is new for many companies globally, the ISSB will introduce programmes that support those applying its Standards as market infrastructure and capacity is built.
Furthermore, at the meeting, ISSB members voted to reference European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) within an appendix to S1—the ISSB’s general requirements standard—as a source of guidance companies may consider, in the absence of a specific ISSB standard, to identify metrics and disclosures if they meet the information needs of investors. The ISSB announced with the European Commission and EFRAG last December that they are working toward a shared objective to maximise interoperability of their standards and aligning on key climate disclosures. Given the substantive decisions on the content of the ISSB Standards are now finalised, this joint work will now focus on detailed terminology within the standards, to be completed with the finalisation of both sets of standards.