

Aviron Pictures Founder Accused of $25M Fraud

米SECが、Aviron Picturesという映画配給会社の創立者で元CEOの人物を、ブラックロック社の投資ファンドからの25百万ドルもの資金を違法にペーパーカンパニーに移し、その一部をビバリーヒルズの邸宅などの贅沢な生活を維持するために使ったとして、告発したという記事。

The SEC says William Sadleir defrauded a BlackRock fund by using money it had invested in Aviron for personal expenses including a Beverly Hills mansion.

The founder and former CEO of movie distributor Aviron Pictures has been charged with a $25 million fraud for illegally transferring money from a BlackRock investment fund to a sham company and using some of it to support his lavish lifestyle.


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said William Sadleir, who was forced out of Aviron in January, misappropriated funding from the BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) that was supposed to be used for purposes related to the distribution of films.


“We allege that Sadleir raided millions from BIT and its investors, and rather than using those funds for investment purposes he spent them lavishly on himself,” Adam Aderton, co-chief of the SEC Enforcement Division’s asset management unit, said in a news release.


The filing of the SEC’s civil complaint came on the same day Sadleir was arrested in a separate criminal case alleging he scammed the federal government’s coronavirus-relief Paycheck Protection Program out of $1.7 million in forgivable loans.

Avironから解任された後にもかかわらず、給与支払いに使うと偽って、JPMorgan Chaseから融資を受け、その多くを私的費用に使ったとのことです。

Even though he was no longer employed by Aviron, he allegedly obtained the loans from JPMorgan Chase by falsely representing that the funds would be used for Aviron payroll expenses when, in fact, he used a significant portion of them for personal expenses.


SEC Charges Owner of Film Distribution Company with Defrauding Publicly Traded Fund(SEC)(←SECのプレスリリース)


SEC Accuses Praxsyn of Virus-Related Fraud(2020年4月)(CFO)


The health-care company allegedly made bogus claims it had created a “direct pipeline from manufacturers and suppliers to buyers” of N95 masks.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has brought its first coronavirus-related fraud case, alleging Florida health-care company Praxsyn made “blatantly false” claims that it had secured a supply of N95 masks.


Praxsyn’s share price doubled after it issued a press release on Feb. 27 claiming it was negotiating to buy millions of masks meeting N95 standards. On March 4, it said in another release that it had a large number of N95 masks on hand and had created a “direct pipeline from manufacturers and suppliers to buyers” of the masks.


“Both press releases were blatantly false,” the SEC said in a complaint filed on Tuesday. “Praxsyn never had either a single order from any buyer to purchase masks, or a single contract with any manufacturer or supplier to obtain masks, let alone any masks actually in its possession.”



SEC Questions COVID Drug Claims of Biotechs(CFO)

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has temporarily halted trading in the shares of three biotech companies because of concerns over the accuracy of statements they have made about a drug candidate for treating COVID-19.


Fluor Shares Dive on News of 10-Q Delay(CFO)

第1四半期のForm 10-Q(四半期報告)を期限内に提出できない、また、すでに開示したとおり、過年度の財務報告や統制環境をレビュー中であり、2019年12月期のForm 10-K(SECに提出する年次報告書)も作成未了であると発表したそうです。

The engineering firm is facing investigations into its accounting by the SEC and Department of Justice.

Fluor Corp. shares tumbled nearly 13% on Tuesday after the engineering firm, which is facing investigations into its accounting, disclosed another delay in the filing of financial reports.

Fluor said it had determined it would be unable to file its Form 10-Q for the first quarter on time “without unreasonable effort or expense.”

“As previously disclosed, the company is reviewing its prior period reporting and related control environment, as well as completing its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, which was not filed by the prescribed due date,” it said in a regulatory filing, adding that it does not expect to file the 10-Q until after the filing of the 10-K.


The company disclosed last week that received a subpoena from the U.S. Department of Justice seeking documents and information related to its recording of charges on a fixed-price federal project in the second quarter of 2019.

Fluor booked $714 million in pretax charges from April to June 2019 for cost overruns, project delays, client disputes and other malfunctions.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission previously asked Fluor to turn over documents related to charges it took in the second quarter of 2019, including its design-build, fixed-price work at an Army ammunition plant in Radford, Va.


Fluor faces Justice Department subpoena over costs for Army project(The Dallas Morning News)




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