A former head of the IMF, Rodrigo Rato, has been released from police custody this morning after being held in a probe by Spanish tax investigators over possible fraud
Rodrigo Rato元専務理事(2007年に専務理事を退任)は、7時間にわたり拘束され、自宅や事務所の捜索を受けました。脱税、マネーロンダリング、asset stripping(会社から資金や価値のある資産を持ち出し債務を残すことをいうそうです)の容疑があるそうです。
According to the Financial Times, Rato was held for seven hours while tax investigators searched his home and office. Spanish media reports that prosecutors and tax investigators are investigating Rato, who left his role at the IMF in 2007, for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and asset stripping.
この元専務理事が会長を務めていたCaja Madridと他の銀行が合併してできた金融グループは、金融危機の時に政府の220億ユーロもの支援により救済され、スペインにおいて元専務理事の名声は大きく傷ついていました。
Rato was left disgraced in Spain after Bankia – the financial group created when Caja Madrid, then chaired by Rato, merged with other savings banks – was on the brink of collapse during the financial crisis. It was saved by a €22bn government bailout and Rato and other executives were forced to leave.
Rodrigo Rato: Humiliation for ex-IMF chief held as part of tax fraud probe(Independent)
元裁判官と東証元社員 金融商品取引法違反の罪で在宅起訴(NHKより)
府営住宅の一室にペーパー会社、「マネロン」に悪用か 中国籍と日本人の会社役員を容疑で再逮捕(京都新聞より)
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地区連銀元幹部がインサイダー取引 監督情報で金融株取引―米司法省(時事より)