ギャラリー貴祥庵 ―《貴志 理の 日々の思いついたままのイメージ絵画、心に残る言葉、歳時の記録を綴る》―
「work6/02」 blog.goo.ne.jp/kisho-an/e/a30…
@Levikreis just wanted to share latest painting with you title "I surrender All" have a great week coming back #nc ? pic.twitter.com/WuPH6gz6uJ
貴志 理さんがリツイート | RT
the eyes of a child //
see art in things all around //
she said it's a duck
#tweetkuchallenge #haiku #micropoetry pic.twitter.com/M3tMQrrF62
貴志 理さんがリツイート | RT
@DanNielsenFIVES You're very welcome and thank you
@catanddancers You're very welcome and thank you