On Saturday, January 27th, I went to Mt. Monomi 1,375m JA/NN-142 in Saku City for SOTA activation.

↑Mt. Asama seen from the summit

↑There is not much snow on the road in front of the parking lot.

↑The temperature is about 6 degrees below zero. It's not so cold.

↑Start with chain spikes equipped.

↑Immediately after the start, a gate is closed to general vehicles.

↑After walking a little, the snow was melting on the path in the sun.

↑There was about 5-10cm of snow on the shaded roads.

↑Climb the stairs and go from the forest road to the mountain trail.

↑However, after a short walk, you will soon see the top.

↑Arrival at the mountaintop
Perhaps it was because I hadn't been to SOTA in a while, so I forgot my fishing rod for the mast.

↑Instead, tie string to a plastic bottle and throw it up a tree branch.

↑The antenna I worked hard to put up. Can you see it hidden in the trees?
Operation starts from 21MHz. QSO with North American stations.
QSY to 28MHz. QSO with Taiwan, New Zealand, and North America.

QSY to 14MHz. Several stations from Korea called me.
The weather is nice and the sun is shining, so it's warm.
The last one is domestic QSO on 7MHz. CONDX is soso.

↑After all the QSOs, we had lunch at Cup Noodles.
In the end, I did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kurofu, and then withdrew.

↑In the end, we did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kuromadara, and then withdrew.
In the end, we did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kuromadara, and then withdrew.
So, I headed back up to the top of the mountain once again. This time it's empty.

↑Reached the summit for the second time.

↑Find it. The VX-3 was hooked to a tree!
So, I retrieved the handheld device and headed down the mountain.
I'm having trouble remembering so many things. However, it was a good to climb in a short time.
本日の結果 Today's result
21MHz/CW 5-QSO W=3 S2S=1(JA) include
28MHz/CW 15-QSO W=4 ZL=1 BV=1 S2S=2(JA) include
14MHz/CW 5-QSO HL=3 include
7MHz/CW 14-QSO S2S=2(JA) include
合計 Total 43-QSO
TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!
2024.1.24 (3/10 UP)
On Saturday, January 27th, I went to Mt. Monomi 1,375m JA/NN-142 in Saku City for SOTA activation.

↑Mt. Asama seen from the summit

↑There is not much snow on the road in front of the parking lot.

↑The temperature is about 6 degrees below zero. It's not so cold.

↑Start with chain spikes equipped.

↑Immediately after the start, a gate is closed to general vehicles.

↑After walking a little, the snow was melting on the path in the sun.

↑There was about 5-10cm of snow on the shaded roads.

↑Climb the stairs and go from the forest road to the mountain trail.

↑However, after a short walk, you will soon see the top.

↑Arrival at the mountaintop
Perhaps it was because I hadn't been to SOTA in a while, so I forgot my fishing rod for the mast.

↑Instead, tie string to a plastic bottle and throw it up a tree branch.

↑The antenna I worked hard to put up. Can you see it hidden in the trees?
Operation starts from 21MHz. QSO with North American stations.
QSY to 28MHz. QSO with Taiwan, New Zealand, and North America.

QSY to 14MHz. Several stations from Korea called me.
The weather is nice and the sun is shining, so it's warm.
The last one is domestic QSO on 7MHz. CONDX is soso.

↑After all the QSOs, we had lunch at Cup Noodles.
In the end, I did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kurofu, and then withdrew.

↑In the end, we did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kuromadara, and then withdrew.
In the end, we did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kuromadara, and then withdrew.
So, I headed back up to the top of the mountain once again. This time it's empty.

↑Reached the summit for the second time.

↑Find it. The VX-3 was hooked to a tree!
So, I retrieved the handheld device and headed down the mountain.
I'm having trouble remembering so many things. However, it was a good to climb in a short time.
本日の結果 Today's result
21MHz/CW 5-QSO W=3 S2S=1(JA) include
28MHz/CW 15-QSO W=4 ZL=1 BV=1 S2S=2(JA) include
14MHz/CW 5-QSO HL=3 include
7MHz/CW 14-QSO S2S=2(JA) include
合計 Total 43-QSO
TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!
2024.1.24 (3/10 UP)