

物見山 JA/NN-142 SOTA運用

2024-03-10 | アマチュア無線
On Saturday, January 27th, I went to Mt. Monomi 1,375m JA/NN-142 in Saku City for SOTA activation.


↑Mt. Asama seen from the summit


↑There is not much snow on the road in front of the parking lot.


↑The temperature is about 6 degrees below zero. It's not so cold.


↑Start with chain spikes equipped.


↑Immediately after the start, a gate is closed to general vehicles.


↑After walking a little, the snow was melting on the path in the sun.


↑There was about 5-10cm of snow on the shaded roads.


↑Climb the stairs and go from the forest road to the mountain trail.


↑However, after a short walk, you will soon see the top.


↑Arrival at the mountaintop

Perhaps it was because I hadn't been to SOTA in a while, so I forgot my fishing rod for the mast.


↑Instead, tie string to a plastic bottle and throw it up a tree branch.


↑The antenna I worked hard to put up. Can you see it hidden in the trees?

Operation starts from 21MHz. QSO with North American stations.

QSY to 28MHz. QSO with Taiwan, New Zealand, and North America.


QSY to 14MHz. Several stations from Korea called me.

The weather is nice and the sun is shining, so it's warm.

The last one is domestic QSO on 7MHz. CONDX is soso.


↑After all the QSOs, we had lunch at Cup Noodles.

In the end, I did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kurofu, and then withdrew.


↑In the end, we did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kuromadara, and then withdrew.

In the end, we did an S2S-QSO with XYL who was climbing Mt. Kuromadara, and then withdrew.

So, I headed back up to the top of the mountain once again. This time it's empty.


↑Reached the summit for the second time.


↑Find it. The VX-3 was hooked to a tree!

So, I retrieved the handheld device and headed down the mountain.

I'm having trouble remembering so many things. However, it was a good to climb in a short time.

本日の結果 Today's result

21MHz/CW 5-QSO W=3 S2S=1(JA) include
28MHz/CW 15-QSO W=4 ZL=1 BV=1 S2S=2(JA) include
14MHz/CW 5-QSO HL=3 include
7MHz/CW 14-QSO S2S=2(JA) include

合計 Total 43-QSO

TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!

2024.1.24 (3/10 UP)

権現山 JA/NN-164 SOTA運用

2024-01-15 | アマチュア無線
On Saturday, December 9th, I went to Mt. Gongen 1,223m JA/NN-164 in Omachi City for SOTA activation. This area is close to the Northern Alps and often snows a lot, but what about today?


↑View from the parking lot. Jigatake on the left, Kashimayari in front, and Goryu on the right.

Today is SOTA after going to the orthopedic clinic, so already bright.


↑Although the snow is not that deep, I am equipped with chain spikes just in case.


↑Go down from the parking lot.


↑After a short while of climbing, join the mountain trail.


↑The mountain trail is mostly under snow, but the snow is about 10cm deep.


↑Arrived at the trig point at the top of the mountain.


↑There is a signboard reading ``Mt. Gongen'' on a nearby tree.


↑Prepare the radio.


↑Start from 21MHz.

Due to the late start time, DX is only Taiwan.

Down to 7MHz. JA CONDX is soso. QSO with areas 0-3,7.


↑Todays antenna. Can't you see it overlapped with the tree?

XYL cleared the specified number 4-QSOs with local stations on 2mFM.


↑If I stay too long, my back will hurt, so I vacated the room early.


↑Go down in the snow.


↑ Arrived at the car.

本日の結果 Today's result

21MHz/CW 2-QSO BV=1 S2S=1(JA)
7MHz/CW 20-QSO S2S=4(JA) include

合計 Total 22-QSO

TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!

2023.12.09 (1/15 UP)

長者山 JA/NN-172 SOTA運用

2023-11-22 | アマチュア無線
11月3日の祝日に長野市の信州新町にある、長者山 1,160m JA/NN-172へSOTA運用に出かけた。
On November 3rd, a public holiday, we went to Chojayama 1,160m JA/NN-172 in Shinshu Shinmachi, Nagano City for SOTA activation.


↑Go to the righ


↑The autumn leaves are still beautiful.


↑The end of the forest road.


↑The end of the forest road.


↑After walking for a while, the summit came into view.


↑Arrival at the triangulation point


↑The Northern Alps seen from the summit are a little red.


↑Get ready and start with 14MHz.

On 14MHz, calls from Taiwan.

QSY to 18MHz. Called from North America.

Calls from North America also on 21MHz.


↑Antenna and operational scenery

QSY to 24MHz. Calls from North America and Australia.

QSY to 28MHz. Only one station calls from North America.

QSY to 7MHz for domestics. It's a decent CONDX.


↑Can see the Northern Alps clearly from the information board.

XYL-side, no response on SSB, so 8-QSO on 430FM.

She also QSO with usual local stations.

After that, we ate lunch and then removed the equipment.


↑Equipment removal completed. Start of descent.


↑The sun has risen, so the autumn leaves can be seen beautifully.


↑↓ Descend to the car

I still have some back pain from my strained back, so I select easy mountain, but the back pain from long hours of operation is more painful than hiking.

Next time I'll do a slightly shorter activation.

本日の結果 Today's result

14MHz/CW 3-QSO BV=1 include
18MHz/CW 2-QSO W=1 S2S=1(JA)
21MHz/CW 4-QSO W=1 S2S=3(JA)
24MHz/CW 3-QSO W=2 VK=1
28MHz/CW 1-QSO W=1
7MHz/CW 15-QSO S2S=7(JA) include
430MHz/FM 2-QSO S2S=2(JA)

合計 Total 30-QSO

TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!

2022.11.3 (11/22 UP)

一夜山 JA/NN-222 SOTA運用

2023-10-28 | アマチュア無線
On Sunday, September 24th, when it was getting a little cooler, I went to Mt. Ichiya 1,562mJA/NN-222 in Nagano City for SOTA activation.


↑Park my car at the trailhead parking lot.

The unpaved forest road up to this point was quite rough, and I scraped the bottom of my car several times as I climbed up.

I should have parked in the parking lot one block ahead...


↑Can see the Mt.Ichiya from the parking lot.


↑There were a lot of Nogiku blooming in the parking lot.


↑When we start walking on the forest road, there are a lot of puddles by yesterday raine.


↑The seeds? of an unknown plant were falling.


↑There was also a plant with small purple fruits growing in a row.


↑A plant with some kind of small white flowers.


↑An unknown type of mushroom.


↑This is a whitish mushroom.


↑500m left to the top of the mountain.


↑Is it the fruit of an unknown type of plant?

Since it's autumn, many things are growing.


↑The mountaintop has come into view.


↑The torii gate, shrine, and triangulation point at the top of the mountain.


↑Set up the antenna and start activation.

CQ starts from 14MHz.


↑Suddenly, LW2 (South America/Argentina) called!

On 18MHz, called from North America.

On 21MHz, called from North America and New Zealand.


↑QSY to 7MHz for domestic QSO.

CONDX is also good for 7MHz.

I saw SW3's SPOT on the SSB station and tried to call, but the microphone seemed to be malfunctioning and there was no modulation.

It has a built-in microphone, but I couldn't find it and couldn't modulate properly, so I gave up QSO.


↑The grasshopper came to play.

Since Nagano City is close, XYL V/U has about 10 QSOs.


↑When finished QSO, the Northern Alps peaks were hidden in the clouds.

It was quite sunny and hot, so I ate rice balls for lunch.


↑I put away the radio and headed down the mountain.


↑I also found mushrooms while descending the mountain.


↑Return to the car.

Today was a sunny day and a little hot at the top of the mountain.

Since it was autumn, we were able to see a variety of plants, and CONDX was also nice.

本日の結果 Today's result

14MHz/CW 7-QSO LW=1 RU=1 HL=1
18MHz/CW 5-QSO W=3 included
21MHz/CW 3-QSO W=2 ZL=1
7MHz/CW 18-QSO S2S(JA)=5 included
430MHz/FM 3-QSO S2S(JA)=3

合計 Total 36-QSO

TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!

2023.9.24 (10/28 UP)

蔵王/熊野岳 JA/YM-004 SOTA運用

2023-10-05 | アマチュア無線
The last day of my trip to Tohoku while returning home was Sunday, August 13th. I decided to try again on Zao/Kumanodake 1,841mJA/YM-004, which I had given up on due to the rain yesterday.


↑Famous "Okama" in Zao


↑Go to the end of the Echo Line at the foot of Mt. Karitadake. Kumanodake is in the distance.


↑The SOTA point is not Karitadake, but Kumanodake, so hiked towards that.


↑The eastern sky is a sea of clouds.


↑Sea of clouds and “Okama”


↑The right is via the evacuation hut, and the left is directly to the summit of Mt. Kumanodake.


↑Take the left route that leads directly to Kumanodake.


↑The shrine at the top of the mountain came into view.


↑The shrine and torii gate at summit, and are green roof may be shelter?


↑The sign for the summit.


↑After looking around, set up the antenna a little further back.

First of all, CQ from 21MHz. Called from North America and Taiwan.

DX is not open at 18MHz, but called from a Nagano local station, is it Es or GW?

14MHz was also called by Korea and the Kanto station.

QSY to 7MHz, the JA was opened and I called from the 1,2,3,4,7,9,0 area.


↑I happened to meet ILX/David-san, who is a mountain guide and Activator.

On this day, I operated by KX2. I should have brought the (tr)uSDX I bought from David-san.

About XYL, here is close to Fukushima, Sendai, and Yamagata City, so 9-QSOs at V/U SSB.

And QSO with Kamo-san from Kamisu-city Chiba pref. on 430.

With that, we withdrew and headed down the mountain.


↑On the way down the mountain, there was a bit of gas around the pot.

When I passed Okama, it was sunny again.


↑Arrived at the parking lot.

It was a nice day today, and the view was good, and I was able to see the sea of clouds and Okama clearly.

本日の結果 Today's result

21MHz/CW 4-QSO BV=1 W=2 included
18MHz/CW 1-QSO
14MHz/CW 3-QSO HL=1 included
7MHz/CW 31-QSO S2S(JA)=3 included

合計 Total 39-QSO

TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!

2023.8.13 (10/05 UP)