February 3, 2012 Mayor Hashimoto's standpoint regarding education
(English version of Japanese diary February 2, 2012)
Those who protect school education are The community in charge, and PTA.
I surmise Osaka Mayor Hashimoto thinks that if teachers and schools as units are forced to compete with one another for better performance they will desperately exert themselves and the result of school education will greatly improve. Is he in the right?
Regarding education, education in English which originates from 'educere' in Laten meaning 'lead out' expresses more precisely the essence of education than Chinese letter 教育 meaning 'teach and breed': That is to say, education means leading out the intrinsic feature of each pupil.
Each child is a not-yet-polished diamond stone. How refulgent it will shine in the end depends on the education it receives from its kindred people including parents, schools, and community.
The word 'Above heaven and under heaven only I am respected' reported to be said by Buddha means 'Every human being has Buddha nature and he or she can be Buddha after exertion'. Every human being has this Buddha nature in his or her spiritualism that exists behind mind and body. It can be said that to lead out this Buddha nature is the ultimate destination of education.
At the moment it is urgently required that the principal and teachers in the center, the community, and PTA cooperate and create an environment where teachers can wholeheartedly concentrate on their teaching; an environment where teacher can fully chastise them when pupils commit wrong doings.
In order to live in the society, they have to recognize it utterly necessary to not only seek their own happiness, but also live and share pleasures and sorrows with friends. They can acquire this spiritualism far more easily than the present-day Japanese adults who are already tainted with money fetish; not so, but they can recognize it that the spiritualism has been existing from the beginning in their innermost.
The community and PTA have to build fortification against those adults already far detached from this spiritualism who want to intervene into education front.
If the community and PTA passionately support the principal, he can confidently lead the school and respond accordingly to the education committee. It is the community and PTA that protect the school.
Education and manufacturing is totally different. How do you think?
In addition, it is highly expected that those who are engaged in governing have this spiritualism. Please remember Indian statesman Mahatma Gandhi.
I hope Japanese statesmen (?) will ask themselves whether or not they have this spiritualism.
I thank AMIDA BUDDHA and SHAKA BUDDHA and vow to spread Buddhism.
(English version of Japanese diary February 2, 2012)
Those who protect school education are The community in charge, and PTA.
I surmise Osaka Mayor Hashimoto thinks that if teachers and schools as units are forced to compete with one another for better performance they will desperately exert themselves and the result of school education will greatly improve. Is he in the right?
Regarding education, education in English which originates from 'educere' in Laten meaning 'lead out' expresses more precisely the essence of education than Chinese letter 教育 meaning 'teach and breed': That is to say, education means leading out the intrinsic feature of each pupil.
Each child is a not-yet-polished diamond stone. How refulgent it will shine in the end depends on the education it receives from its kindred people including parents, schools, and community.
The word 'Above heaven and under heaven only I am respected' reported to be said by Buddha means 'Every human being has Buddha nature and he or she can be Buddha after exertion'. Every human being has this Buddha nature in his or her spiritualism that exists behind mind and body. It can be said that to lead out this Buddha nature is the ultimate destination of education.
At the moment it is urgently required that the principal and teachers in the center, the community, and PTA cooperate and create an environment where teachers can wholeheartedly concentrate on their teaching; an environment where teacher can fully chastise them when pupils commit wrong doings.
In order to live in the society, they have to recognize it utterly necessary to not only seek their own happiness, but also live and share pleasures and sorrows with friends. They can acquire this spiritualism far more easily than the present-day Japanese adults who are already tainted with money fetish; not so, but they can recognize it that the spiritualism has been existing from the beginning in their innermost.
The community and PTA have to build fortification against those adults already far detached from this spiritualism who want to intervene into education front.
If the community and PTA passionately support the principal, he can confidently lead the school and respond accordingly to the education committee. It is the community and PTA that protect the school.
Education and manufacturing is totally different. How do you think?
In addition, it is highly expected that those who are engaged in governing have this spiritualism. Please remember Indian statesman Mahatma Gandhi.
I hope Japanese statesmen (?) will ask themselves whether or not they have this spiritualism.
I thank AMIDA BUDDHA and SHAKA BUDDHA and vow to spread Buddhism.