
■C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’BM/JOGA
カトレヤ シェリー・コンプトン‘タッチ・オブ・クラス’
(C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker x C. Good Fairy (01/01/1977))
旧属名表記 Lc. Shellie Compton、Sc. Shellie Compton
・営利用品種として多くの優秀花を生み出している C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker(ステファン・オリバー・フォーレイカー)の優秀な子供。
・生育・花容共に良くも悪くもあまりクセのない親の C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker に対し、輝くように真っ白なペタルと対照的な真っ赤なリップ、円く柔らかい印象の花容等、趣味家好みの独特な雰囲気を持った極美花だと思います。
・本種の子供として特に優秀なものには C. Longriver Compton(ロングリバー・コンプトン)があり、その個体‘Golden Star(ゴールデン・スター)’は FCC/AOS 入賞個体として有名です。
◎C. Shellie Compton の親品種の交配
・C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker = C. Pegi Mayne x C. Enid (01/01/1961)
・C. Good Fairy = C. Christmas Fairy x C. South Esk (01/01/1965)
◎交配系統図は、こちらをクリック!(協力=Abiko Orchid Room Ronさん)

※C. Shellie Compton の親品種
■C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker‘Elmhurst’HCC/AOS
カトレヤ ステファン・オリバー・フォーレイカー‘エルムハースト’
(C. Pegi Mayne x C. Enid (01/01/1961))
●C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker についての記事は、こちらをクリック!
<C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’別個体(一例)>
<C. Shellie Compton を交配親とした品種登録実績一覧>
・Bc. Shellie Nodosa (C. Shellie Compton x B. nodosa (24/04/2006))
・C. Casabella (C. Shellie Compton x C. Princess Bells (01/01/1989))
・C. Dorothy Oka (C. Shellie Compton x C. walkeriana (10/02/1993))
・C. Hawaiian Attraction (C. Shellie Compton x C. Zuiho (23/11/1990))
・C. Hawaiian Carolina (C. Shellie Compton x C. Lucille Small (31/12/2009))
・C. Hawaiian Touch (C. Shellie Compton x C. Horace (28/12/2001))
・C. Isla Encantada (C. Shellie Compton x C. Anita Marie (07/11/2000))
・C. Jac Swan Compton (C. Shellie Compton x C. Taida Swan (31/10/2007))
・C. Longriver Compton (C. Shellie Compton x C. Mount Pilchuck (01/01/1988))
・C. Mikunino (C. Shellie Compton x C. Old Whitey (13/08/2007))
・C. Snow Fairy (C. Shellie Compton x C. Carol Ann Haussermann (27/11/1990))
・C. Suzuki's Blizzard (C. Shellie Compton x C. Sonia Altenburg (23/08/2006))
・C. White Spark (C. Shellie Compton x C. Moscombe (18/06/1997))
・Ctna. Quest's Sexy Eyes (C. Shellie Compton x Ctna. Capri (15/08/2003))
・Ctt. Malvarosa Shellie (C. Shellie Compton x Gur. skinneri (07/10/2008))
・Rlc. Chinderela Castle (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Elegant Dancer (12/07/1996))
・Rlc. Christine Bersola Babao (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Fringe Benefits (30/11/2006))
・Rlc. Duh's Angel (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Duh's White (03/11/2000))
・Rlc. Eva's Cuento Antiguo (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Pastoral (12/12/2005))
・Rlc. Jac Alpine Moon (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Ranger Six (31/10/2007))
・Rlc. Lois Lovely (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Green Fantasy (30/06/2003))
・Rlc. Malvarosa Lilac Touch (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Cynthia (30/11/2006))
・Rlc. Nakagami Nice Flower (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Toshie Aoki (30/09/2014))
・Rlc. Redland Girl (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. California Girl (02/11/2004))
・Rlc. Shellie's Spirits (C. Shellie Compton x Rl. digbyana (23/09/1999))
・Rlc. Southern Sierra (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. High Sierra (29/09/2010))
・C. Ann Romney (C. Jane Dane x C. Shellie Compton (17/01/2012))
・C. Annette Castro (C. Hawaiian Wedding Song x C. Shellie Compton (31/01/2005))
・C. Breen's Jenny Ann (C. Persepolis x C. Shellie Compton (01/01/1989))
・C. Carita Pintada (C. Janet x C. Shellie Compton (09/06/1997))
・C. Chang's Jade (C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker x C. Shellie Compton (01/01/1989))
・C. Cheri Belle (C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys x C. Shellie Compton (01/01/1985))
・C. Chian-Tzy Mildcompton (C. Mildred Rives x C. Shellie Compton (16/06/1998))
・C. Eva's Oportunamente (C. Drumbeat x C. Shellie Compton (02/07/2015))
・C. Jac White Jade (C. Chyong Guu Swan x C. Shellie Compton (05/07/2007))
・C. Jamaica Souvenir (C. Enid x C. Shellie Compton (23/09/1999))
・C. Kitty Compton (C. Kittiwake x C. Shellie Compton (09/08/2011))
・C. Lo's Compton (C. Mari's Song x C. Shellie Compton (16/11/2004))
・C. Madame Edith Bongo (C. Memoria Robert Strait x C. Shellie Compton (15/09/2003))
・C. Marie Belle (C. Cheri Belle x C. Shellie Compton (21/01/2008))
・C. NSA Big China (C. Red Empress x C. Shellie Compton (27/10/2011))
・C. Silky Dream (C. Marjorie Hausermann x C. Shellie Compton (11/07/1994))
・C. Suzuki's Pink Flare (C. Mother Enid x C. Shellie Compton (20/06/2005))
・C. Taichung Queen (C. Sedlescombe x C. Shellie Compton (24/02/2004))
・C. Taida Fair (C. Melody Fair x C. Shellie Compton (30/06/1997))
・C. Taiwan Beauty (C. Interglossa x C. Shellie Compton (05/04/1994))
・C. Trial Compton (C. trianae x C. Shellie Compton (20/11/2017))
・C. Tzeng-Wen Finney (C. Irene Finney x C. Shellie Compton (25/03/2009))
・Rlc. Autumn Spectacular (Rlc. Sylvia Fry x C. Shellie Compton (05/07/1994))
・Rlc. Chian-Tzy Lass (Rlc. Mount Hood x C. Shellie Compton (21/11/1996))
・Rlc. Dal's Rapture (Rlc. Meditation x C. Shellie Compton (07/12/1995))
・Rlc. Delfina Peter and Karen (Rlc. Waikiki Gold x C. Shellie Compton (08/06/2011))
・Rlc. Ewart Compton (Rlc. Ewart McDonald x C. Shellie Compton (18/06/2015))
・Rlc. Janete Tanegushi (Rlc. Hausermann's Holiday x C. Shellie Compton (07/08/2006))
・Rlc. Kuwale Gem (Rlc. Segundina Vizcarra x C. Shellie Compton (05/09/2000))
・Rlc. Keiji Obata (Rlc. Hetherington Horace x C. Shellie Compton (25/09/2018))
・Rlc. Lo's Compere (Rlc. Déesse x C. Shellie Compton (09/11/2004))
・Rlc. Secretary Arthur Yap (Rlc. Languedoc x C. Shellie Compton (31/12/2007))
・Rlc. Top Choice (Rlc. Mahina Yahiro x C. Shellie Compton (10/02/2009))
●<C. Shellie Compton を交配親とした品種(一例)画像集>の記事は、こちらをクリック!
<C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’画像集>

■C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’BM/JOGA
カトレヤ シェリー・コンプトン‘タッチ・オブ・クラス’

於:第20回 明石ラン展(2006年1月)
■C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’BM/JOGA
カトレヤ シェリー・コンプトン‘タッチ・オブ・クラス’
■索引 - Index -(アルファベット順)は、こちらをクリック!

■C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’BM/JOGA
カトレヤ シェリー・コンプトン‘タッチ・オブ・クラス’
(C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker x C. Good Fairy (01/01/1977))
旧属名表記 Lc. Shellie Compton、Sc. Shellie Compton
・営利用品種として多くの優秀花を生み出している C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker(ステファン・オリバー・フォーレイカー)の優秀な子供。
・生育・花容共に良くも悪くもあまりクセのない親の C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker に対し、輝くように真っ白なペタルと対照的な真っ赤なリップ、円く柔らかい印象の花容等、趣味家好みの独特な雰囲気を持った極美花だと思います。
・本種の子供として特に優秀なものには C. Longriver Compton(ロングリバー・コンプトン)があり、その個体‘Golden Star(ゴールデン・スター)’は FCC/AOS 入賞個体として有名です。
◎C. Shellie Compton の親品種の交配
・C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker = C. Pegi Mayne x C. Enid (01/01/1961)
・C. Good Fairy = C. Christmas Fairy x C. South Esk (01/01/1965)
◎交配系統図は、こちらをクリック!(協力=Abiko Orchid Room Ronさん)

※C. Shellie Compton の親品種
■C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker‘Elmhurst’HCC/AOS
カトレヤ ステファン・オリバー・フォーレイカー‘エルムハースト’
(C. Pegi Mayne x C. Enid (01/01/1961))
●C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker についての記事は、こちらをクリック!
<C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’別個体(一例)>
<C. Shellie Compton を交配親とした品種登録実績一覧>
・Bc. Shellie Nodosa (C. Shellie Compton x B. nodosa (24/04/2006))
・C. Casabella (C. Shellie Compton x C. Princess Bells (01/01/1989))
・C. Dorothy Oka (C. Shellie Compton x C. walkeriana (10/02/1993))
・C. Hawaiian Attraction (C. Shellie Compton x C. Zuiho (23/11/1990))
・C. Hawaiian Carolina (C. Shellie Compton x C. Lucille Small (31/12/2009))
・C. Hawaiian Touch (C. Shellie Compton x C. Horace (28/12/2001))
・C. Isla Encantada (C. Shellie Compton x C. Anita Marie (07/11/2000))
・C. Jac Swan Compton (C. Shellie Compton x C. Taida Swan (31/10/2007))
・C. Longriver Compton (C. Shellie Compton x C. Mount Pilchuck (01/01/1988))
・C. Mikunino (C. Shellie Compton x C. Old Whitey (13/08/2007))
・C. Snow Fairy (C. Shellie Compton x C. Carol Ann Haussermann (27/11/1990))
・C. Suzuki's Blizzard (C. Shellie Compton x C. Sonia Altenburg (23/08/2006))
・C. White Spark (C. Shellie Compton x C. Moscombe (18/06/1997))
・Ctna. Quest's Sexy Eyes (C. Shellie Compton x Ctna. Capri (15/08/2003))
・Ctt. Malvarosa Shellie (C. Shellie Compton x Gur. skinneri (07/10/2008))
・Rlc. Chinderela Castle (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Elegant Dancer (12/07/1996))
・Rlc. Christine Bersola Babao (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Fringe Benefits (30/11/2006))
・Rlc. Duh's Angel (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Duh's White (03/11/2000))
・Rlc. Eva's Cuento Antiguo (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Pastoral (12/12/2005))
・Rlc. Jac Alpine Moon (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Ranger Six (31/10/2007))
・Rlc. Lois Lovely (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Green Fantasy (30/06/2003))
・Rlc. Malvarosa Lilac Touch (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Cynthia (30/11/2006))
・Rlc. Nakagami Nice Flower (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. Toshie Aoki (30/09/2014))
・Rlc. Redland Girl (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. California Girl (02/11/2004))
・Rlc. Shellie's Spirits (C. Shellie Compton x Rl. digbyana (23/09/1999))
・Rlc. Southern Sierra (C. Shellie Compton x Rlc. High Sierra (29/09/2010))
・C. Ann Romney (C. Jane Dane x C. Shellie Compton (17/01/2012))
・C. Annette Castro (C. Hawaiian Wedding Song x C. Shellie Compton (31/01/2005))
・C. Breen's Jenny Ann (C. Persepolis x C. Shellie Compton (01/01/1989))
・C. Carita Pintada (C. Janet x C. Shellie Compton (09/06/1997))
・C. Chang's Jade (C. Stephen Oliver Fouraker x C. Shellie Compton (01/01/1989))
・C. Cheri Belle (C. Mrs. Frederick Knollys x C. Shellie Compton (01/01/1985))
・C. Chian-Tzy Mildcompton (C. Mildred Rives x C. Shellie Compton (16/06/1998))
・C. Eva's Oportunamente (C. Drumbeat x C. Shellie Compton (02/07/2015))
・C. Jac White Jade (C. Chyong Guu Swan x C. Shellie Compton (05/07/2007))
・C. Jamaica Souvenir (C. Enid x C. Shellie Compton (23/09/1999))
・C. Kitty Compton (C. Kittiwake x C. Shellie Compton (09/08/2011))
・C. Lo's Compton (C. Mari's Song x C. Shellie Compton (16/11/2004))
・C. Madame Edith Bongo (C. Memoria Robert Strait x C. Shellie Compton (15/09/2003))
・C. Marie Belle (C. Cheri Belle x C. Shellie Compton (21/01/2008))
・C. NSA Big China (C. Red Empress x C. Shellie Compton (27/10/2011))
・C. Silky Dream (C. Marjorie Hausermann x C. Shellie Compton (11/07/1994))
・C. Suzuki's Pink Flare (C. Mother Enid x C. Shellie Compton (20/06/2005))
・C. Taichung Queen (C. Sedlescombe x C. Shellie Compton (24/02/2004))
・C. Taida Fair (C. Melody Fair x C. Shellie Compton (30/06/1997))
・C. Taiwan Beauty (C. Interglossa x C. Shellie Compton (05/04/1994))
・C. Trial Compton (C. trianae x C. Shellie Compton (20/11/2017))
・C. Tzeng-Wen Finney (C. Irene Finney x C. Shellie Compton (25/03/2009))
・Rlc. Autumn Spectacular (Rlc. Sylvia Fry x C. Shellie Compton (05/07/1994))
・Rlc. Chian-Tzy Lass (Rlc. Mount Hood x C. Shellie Compton (21/11/1996))
・Rlc. Dal's Rapture (Rlc. Meditation x C. Shellie Compton (07/12/1995))
・Rlc. Delfina Peter and Karen (Rlc. Waikiki Gold x C. Shellie Compton (08/06/2011))
・Rlc. Ewart Compton (Rlc. Ewart McDonald x C. Shellie Compton (18/06/2015))
・Rlc. Janete Tanegushi (Rlc. Hausermann's Holiday x C. Shellie Compton (07/08/2006))
・Rlc. Kuwale Gem (Rlc. Segundina Vizcarra x C. Shellie Compton (05/09/2000))
・Rlc. Keiji Obata (Rlc. Hetherington Horace x C. Shellie Compton (25/09/2018))
・Rlc. Lo's Compere (Rlc. Déesse x C. Shellie Compton (09/11/2004))
・Rlc. Secretary Arthur Yap (Rlc. Languedoc x C. Shellie Compton (31/12/2007))
・Rlc. Top Choice (Rlc. Mahina Yahiro x C. Shellie Compton (10/02/2009))
●<C. Shellie Compton を交配親とした品種(一例)画像集>の記事は、こちらをクリック!
<C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’画像集>

■C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’BM/JOGA
カトレヤ シェリー・コンプトン‘タッチ・オブ・クラス’

於:第20回 明石ラン展(2006年1月)
■C. Shellie Compton‘Touch of Class’BM/JOGA
カトレヤ シェリー・コンプトン‘タッチ・オブ・クラス’
■索引 - Index -(アルファベット順)は、こちらをクリック!