Ricky, Woo-chan, and Koo-chan's Fun Festival
Ricky the Squirrel, Woo-chan the Rabbit, and Koo-chan the Bear decided to join a fun festival on a small island in the middle of a wide river. The festival was all about making people laugh with their performances.
Ricky jumped from tree to tree along the riverbank and showed off his acrobatics on a rope swing. He kept smiling and finally reached the island, where he juggled nuts. The audience laughed and cheered at his brave and amazing performance.
Woo-chan hopped across the stepping stones in the river. Even when the stones were slippery, she made a perfect landing with her great jumping skills. When she reached the island, she danced gracefully, making everyone smile with her cute moves.
Koo-chan swam strongly across the river. Sometimes, he even caught fish with a relaxed expression. When he reached the island, he sang with a powerful voice, and the audience was amazed and smiled.
Today, February 5th, is Smile Day. Thanks to Ricky, Woo-chan, and Koo-chan's performances, everyone laughed a lot and had a wonderful day.
Today's Key Word: Smile
Smile (笑顔 / Egao): A facial expression showing happiness or friendliness.
Example: "Ricky, Woo-chan, and Koo-chan made everyone smile with their performances."
例文: 「リッキー、ウーちゃん、クーちゃんのパフォーマンスで、みんなが笑顔 (Egao) になりました。」