
2025-02-15 07:11:18 | お話


リッキーは 「強風に備えて、巣を丈夫な木の枝や葉っぱで補強して、たくさんの木の実や種子を集めて巣に蓄えておいたよ。それに、安全な木の洞を確保したんだ。風に乗って滑空して、木から木へと軽やかに移動できるよ!」と自慢げです。

ウーちゃんは 「地面に掘った巣穴の入り口を土や石で補強して、強風で草や葉っぱが飛ばされないようにたくさん集めて巣穴に運び込んだの。さらに、茂みや木の根元など安全な場所も確保したんだ。強風の中でも力強くジャンプして、風に乗せて耳をパタパタさせることができるよ!」と得意げです。

クーちゃんは 「強風で食料が少なくなる冬に備えて、十分な食料を蓄えたよ。それに、巣穴の入り口を岩や土で補強しておいたんだ。強風の中でも堂々と立ち向かい、風に舞う雪の中で、雪だるまだって作れるんだ!」と胸を張りました。


Woo, Koo, and Ricky's Windy Day Adventure

Woo the rabbit, Koo the bear, and Ricky the squirrel went to play at Tottori Sand Dunes. But the wind was very strong, so they took shelter in a cave called One-Yama Risu Kaisoku Cave. Inside the cave, they started to boast about how well they could handle the strong wind.

Ricky said: "I prepared for the strong wind by making my nest with strong branches and leaves. I also stored lots of nuts and seeds in my nest. Plus, I found a safe tree hole. I can glide from tree to tree using the wind!" Ricky boasted proudly.

Woo said: "I dug the entrance of my burrow and made it strong with soil and stones. I also collected lots of grass and leaves so they wouldn't blow away. I found safe places under bushes and trees. I can jump high even in the strong wind and flap my ears in the wind!" Woo said confidently.

Koo said: "I prepared lots of food for winter because the wind makes it hard to find food. I also made the entrance of my burrow strong with rocks and soil. I can stand strong against the wind and make snowmen in the blowing snow!" Koo said with his chest puffed out.

Today, February 15, is the day the wind was named Haru Ichiban. The animals imagined the arrival of spring and had a wonderful day.

Today's Key Word: Glide
Glide (滑空 / Kakū): To move smoothly and quietly, especially through the air.

Example: "Ricky can glide from tree to tree using the wind."
例文: 「リッキーは風を使って木から木へと滑空 (Kakū) することができます。」