CCP is most pleased to see the attitude of NHK and the people mentioned above.
I sent this chapter on 2019-05-27.This chapter was ranked #1 on Ameba's hashtag ranking for #Hitotsu
It turns out that only China needs to reduce CO2 emissions
It turns out that only China needs to reduce CO2 emissions / China's greenhouse gas emi...
One of the reasons Shina wants to be called "China" is to invade and control the surrounding
The following is from a tweet by Kiyotaka Kato ( that I just ...
tawanese・street・food るうさんパクパク 動脈硬化を改善 カワウソ生活 MALDIVES・RESORT! 口元の老化 Baby China 最後の妻のお弁当です
대만에서 유명한 치킨 계란 오믈렛 / chicken egg omelet - tawanese street food #るうさんパクパク #大食...
【炎上覚悟】医者ですが!危険な老人ホームの特徴 🐶Bath time 😉😉【鬼痩せ】Baby China トトロおいなりさん 歩きながら遠吠えする柴犬 新玉ねぎの無限サラダ
Bath time 😉😉 【炎上覚悟】医者ですが、もう耐えられないので暴露します。100の老人ホームで働いたからこそ見えてしまった、危険な老人ホームの特徴 ...
China began using the historical issue out of policy necessity and still uses it today.
The following is from a feature article by Kenichi ARA, Tsutomu NISHIOKA, and Michio EZ...
【限时活动 ,日本行政书士将为广大在日华人同胞举行免费法律咨询会】
【限时活动 ,日本行政书士将为广大在日华人同胞举行免费法律咨询会】※名额仅限前5名预约的来...
専門家を無視して、中国の突然のゼロ COVID 撤退政策は何十万人もの人命を犠牲にした
Ignoring Experts, China's Sudden Zero-COVID Exit Cost Lives多くの高齢者は予防接種を受け...
Does he think there is anything wrong with serving his motherland, China?
Kawakatsu's ancestors are said to have been immigrants. I wonder if he thinks, "what's ...
【〔日中戦争について〕習金平の戯れ言】[ 回顧録 ] 習近平が韓国での講演で日清戦争、日中戦...