文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Does he think there is anything wrong with serving his motherland, China?

2023年03月18日 09時47分12秒 | 全般

Kawakatsu's ancestors are said to have been immigrants. I wonder if he thinks, "what's wrong?" with serving his mother country, China.
Jun 17, 2021, 6:25:47 PM / General
A friend sometimes calls me and says, "You and Masayuki Takayama are in sync.
He, like me, subscribes to the Weekly Shincho to read Masayuki Takayama's columns.
"I was so moved this time. I was moved to tears. You immediately criticized Kawakatsu, the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, for stopping the construction of the Linear Shinkansen for outrageous reasons. You were so outraged that you even told the people of Shizuoka Prefecture that they should be ashamed of themselves."
"In this week's issue, Masayuki Takayama, as befits the one and only journalist in the postwar world, was perfectly critical of Kawakatsu. It was the ultimate in 5W1H. I was tearful when I saw the overlap between you and Takayama. You are both great. You are the best Japanese citizens."
I had not yet subscribed to the magazine, so I immediately headed for the local convenience store.
This paper also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
All those who subscribed to the paper must have thought: 
Kawakatsu is the ultimate traitor, the treasonist himself.
So what is the government doing looking on idly with the national interest extensively damaged by such a person?
What did the people of Shizuoka Prefecture think when they elected such a person as governor?

The nature of the migrant people who came to Japan from China long ago and became naturalized.
The Shinkansen bullet train was called the "super express of dreams" and started running shortly before the opening of the last Tokyo Olympics. 
On the day the dream became a reality, Yoshihiro Kyotani, a leader of the JNR engineering team, was ordered to "create the next dream." 
He had a plan. 
No matter how much it stretched the bullet train's nose, it could never exceed 500 km/h. 
The reason was that the wheels and pantographs were permanently attached to the rails and overhead wires. 
Without that restriction, the bullet train could run up to 600 kilometers per hour if it floated on the rails.
He was thinking of a linear bullet train that would run on magnets. 
He was not the only one who thought so.
Japan Airlines was also thinking that way. 
International flights went from Haneda to Narita.
"Three hours from arrival to the city center" was embarrassing. 
He devised the HSST normal-conducting linear train to reduce the time to 30 minutes, the same as at Haneda. 
The system is simple: the car body floats on the rails using magnetism.
However, power is supplied by a panda attached to the car's underside, just like on the Ginza subway line. 
Although half of the train looks like a train, it succeeded in running at 300 km/h in the year of Narita's opening. 
The cost is low, and there is no noise.
It is still in operation in Aichi Prefecture. 
Messerschmitt AG of Germany also built the same normal-conduction linear train.
The cost of the equipment is high, and the noise is terrible because it runs levitated by energizing the trackbed. 
It is a crude piece of work, but the Chinese bought it and used it to access Shanghai and Pudong airports.
Chinese people are quick to make fake products.
The German-made linear train lost popularity because of a spectacular accident caused by a fake. 
In contrast, Kyotani came up with the idea of a "permanent electromagnetic field" for use in car bodies.
At a temperature close to absolute zero, the electrical resistance is zero.
In other words, once the electric current is contained, it creates an electromagnetic field without attenuation. 
Kyotani realized this idea and succeeded in manned operations at 603 kilometers per hour.
It was the birth of the ultimate superconducting linear train. 
Incidentally, this superconductivity method is also the key to the "plasma sail," the dream of high-speed space flight.
It is a Nobel Prize-winning idea. 
The Linear Shinkansen, filled with such dreams, will first run between Tokyo and Nagoya in about 40 minutes.
It is scheduled to open in 2027. 
However, the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, Heita Kawakatsu, has stopped the construction of a tunnel under the Oi River in Shizuoka Prefecture. 
Heita Kawakatsu, however, has been waiting for the construction of a tunnel under the Oi River in Shizuoka Prefecture, saying, "I will not allow any construction that will reduce the water in the Oi River even a drop," sounding like a Shylock judge. 
There is no proper Shinkansen line in Shizuoka.
In addition, the Linear Shinkansen will not even pass through Shizuoka.
It seemed to me that he was harassing us out of a sense of remoteness, thinking there would be no such thing. 
JR considered making some concessions, such as stopping the "Nozomi" train, but Kawakatsu was too stubborn to make any concessions.  
In the meantime, the world of linear railways had begun to change dramatically.
China, after the Shinkansen, stole the technology for the Linear Shinkansen and began openly manufacturing imitations of it. 
The Zhejiang Provincial Government is said to be at the center of this, buying about 30 skilled Japanese engineers for a high price and stealing the secrets of Kyotani's linear system.
Two years ago, they unveiled a superconducting linear model in Qingdao that looked exactly like the Japanese one. 
Since it was stolen, its performance is the same as Japan's at 600 km/h.
The line will open from Shanghai to Ningbo via Hangzhou in 2035. 
If the Gyeonggok Linear Linear were to open as scheduled, Japan would hold the world's market for next-generation high-speed transportation. 
However, since Kawakatsu stopped the line at the Oigawa River, it is no longer possible to open in 2027.
There is no difference of one horse length with China.
Under such circumstances, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Ambassador Cheng Yonghua visited Kawakatsu frequently to encourage the governor to take good care of the water resources of the Oi River.  
Kawakatsu also often visits China and meets with Xi Jinping, who chants hurray for the "one belt, one road" policy. 
Even the Asahi Shimbun has predicted that China will take the Senkakus and, in the event of an emergency in Taiwan, will also take Okinawa and southward. 
If Kawakatsu wins the election for his fourth term as governor, Oigawa will be stranded even longer, China will be the first to open the linear bullet train, and China will snatch the world market and the Nobel Prize. 
Kawakatsu's ancestors are said to have been immigrants to Japan.
Does he think there is anything wrong with serving his motherland, China?


