01:29 from gooBlog production
Crybaby2号機・・・(T_T) blog.goo.ne.jp/risingforce197…
18:13 from Google
Hello.Thank you for your comment!STK10 is STK4'm looking to mount the bridge (@YouTube youtu.be/NznNtScYUv0?a)
18:15 from Google
Hello.Thank you for your comment!STK4is looking to mount the bridge position (@YouTube youtu.be/NznNtScYUv0?a)
20:25 from Google
@YouTube 動画をアップロードしました youtu.be/jixMFtiNhZM?a Guitar Practice
by CandyAppleRed_H on Twitter
Crybaby2号機・・・(T_T) blog.goo.ne.jp/risingforce197…
18:13 from Google
Hello.Thank you for your comment!STK10 is STK4'm looking to mount the bridge (@YouTube youtu.be/NznNtScYUv0?a)
18:15 from Google
Hello.Thank you for your comment!STK4is looking to mount the bridge position (@YouTube youtu.be/NznNtScYUv0?a)
20:25 from Google
@YouTube 動画をアップロードしました youtu.be/jixMFtiNhZM?a Guitar Practice
by CandyAppleRed_H on Twitter