the Saber Panther (サーベル・パンサー)


『バトル・ビヨンド・エポック』  其の六 海洋のマクロ・プレデターⅡ (推定体重15トン以下)

2019年06月19日 | バトル・ビヨンド・エポック

Top Aquatic Predators Under the body mass of 15 tonnes : Who's the mightiest?

イラスト : ©the Saber Panther (Jagroar) (All rights reserved)

プルスサウルス属最大種Purussaurus brasiliensis) 11m 7t
現生シャチOrcinus orca) 8m 6.5t
テムノドントサウルス属最大種Temnodontosaurus eurycephalus) 9m 8t
本種 T. eurycephalus は、吻部が他のテムノドントサウルス属の種類と比べて短く頑強なつくりをしており、魚竜類の中では別格的に咬筋力にも優れていたはず。

クレトキシリナ属最大種Cretoxyrhina mantelli) 8m 5t

Kronosaurus queenslandicus) 10m 10t 

バシロサウルス属最大種Basilosaurus cetoides) 18m 14t 

モササウルス属最大種Mosasaurus hoffmanni) 14m 10t
しばしば海洋のT. rexと形容されるモササウルス科の最大種。


また、始新世の奇蹄類の一大グループ、ブロントテリウム科の複数種の復元画も、個人的な興味から調べていた或る事柄と合わせて、続けて発表できると思います。 いずれも楽しみに待っていてくださると、喜びます。

そして今回は、複数の大型水生捕食動物の予備スケッチ的なものを描いたので、ごく他愛無いトピックも付してアップしてみました。 いわゆる対戦シミュレーションというわけですが、絵を眺めつつ各種の形態機能的特徴なども踏まえて興じられたら、暇つぶしにはなるかもしれません。


This time I've selected some of the largest, baddest aquatic predatory animals in the eaths' history, in order to see which species would be the mightiest of all.

Obviously, the mightiest aquatic predator must be either the megalodon shark or the macro-raptorial sperm whale(L. melvillei), but for the fact that these two behemoths outcompeted all other contestants in too overwhelming fashion, regarding the size and the might, so much so that I deliberately omit these guys and instead, focus solely on aquatic predators under the body mass of around 15 tonnes.

Still, these selective contestants were mighty strong and fast enough, heavier than the African elephant and could anihilate today's GW shark with ease. Which species do you think would be the mightiest and why?
If there were some more formidable and suitable candidates for this tournament, please let me know. Also, if there're any errors regarding the sizes(especially body mass) of these animals, be kind enough to correct them. 

Just for fun.

Basilosaurus cetoides
(Primitive giant raptorial cetacean)

Cretoxyrhina mantelli 
(Prehistoric mackerel shark that was similarly shaped to, but much larger than today's GW shark)

Kronosaurus queenslandicus 
(The largest species of short necked, huge headed pliosaur whose jaw power was immense)

Mosasaurus hoffmanni
(Arguably the largest mosasaurid species who's been often referred to as 'T-rex of the ancient sea')

Orcinus orca
(Modern Killer Whale. One of the mightiest marine predators of all time)

Purussaurus brasiliensis
(Arguably the heaviest and the most powerful crocodilian that has ever existed) 

Sarcosuchus imperator 
(One of the largest crocodilians ever)

Temnodontosaurus eurycephalus
(One of the largest toothed ichthyosaurs* and moreover, T. eurycephalus' relatively robust snout was well adapted to crushing of prey)
*Both Shonisaurus and Shastasaurus were much larger relatives of ichthyosaur but they were extremely specialised, toothless suction feeders)

Below I've attempted 1 to 10 grade ability scores for each animal, based on 6 categories.
Not scientifically based or anything at all, but only for entertainment.

Basilosaurus cetoides 
Body mass 10  Jaw dimensions 8  Bite force 7  Under water-Maneuverability 8  Speed 6  Intelligence 7

Cretoxyrhina mantelli
  Body mass 5  Jaw dimensions 6  Bite force 7  Under water-Maneuverability 10  Speed 10  Intelligence 4

Kronosaurus queenslandicus
Body mass 9  Jaw dimensions 10  Bite force 8  Under water-Maneuverability 10  Speed 9  Intelligence 5

Mosasaurus hoffmanni
Body mass 10  Jaw dimensions 9  Bite force 9  Under water-Maneuverability 8  Speed 7  Intelligence 6 

Orcinus orca
Body mass 7  Jaw dimensions 6  Bite force 5  Under water-Maneuverability 10  Speed 10  Intelligence 10

Purussaurus brasiliensis
Body mass 8  Jaw dimensions 9  Bite force 10  Under water-Maneuverability 5  speed 6  Intelligence 6

Sarcosuchus imperator
Body mass 8  Jaw dimensions 7  Bite force 7  Under water-Maneuverability 6  Speed 6  Intelligence 6

Temnodontosaurus eurycephalus
Body mass 8  Jaw dimensions 6  Bite force 7  Under water-Maneuverability 10  Speed 10  Intelligence 5

:Match ups:

Battle 1 Mosasaurus hoffmanni vs. Orcinus orca

Battle 2 Kronosaurus queenslandicus vs. Sarcosuchus imperator

Battle 3 Cretoxyrhina mantelli vs. Temnodontosaurus eurycephalus

Battle 4 Basilosaurus cetoides vs. Purussaurus brasiliensis

:Semi Finals:

Battle 5 Winner of 1 vs. Winner of 2

Battle 6 Winner of 3 vs. Winner of 4


Winner of 5 vs. Winner of 6

イラスト & テキスト : ©the Saber Panther (Jagroar) (All rights


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