宗玄カズヒロ ブログ  ~好きに生きよう~ 懲りずに 媚びずに 


3月17日(土)のつぶやき その1

2012-03-18 03:42:45 | 過去のDiary
05:56 from gooBlog production
涙の卒業式 goo.gl/y4su1

07:14 from MySpace
played the song 'We Are Young' by fun. on @myspace lnk.ms/W3bKJ

07:15 from MySpace
played the song 'Good Feeling' by Flo Rida on @myspace lnk.ms/VNvyK

07:17 from MySpace
played the song 'Black' by Norah Jones on @myspace lnk.ms/Lc3XJ

07:19 from MySpace
played the song 'summer boys' by OLDE WORLDE on @myspace lnk.ms/QzPlS

07:20 from MySpace
played the song 'have you seen the rain' by OLDE WORLDE on @myspace lnk.ms/QzPwV

07:21 from MySpace
played the song 'Suddenly' by Predawn on @myspace lnk.ms/M8QKl

07:23 from MySpace
played the song 'Hello, Afternoon (Short Ver.)' by WHITE ASH on @myspace lnk.ms/Fxv7J

07:24 from MySpace
played the song '人間進化論(ningenshinkaron)' by ピロカルピン on @myspace lnk.ms/Xh6xc

07:28 from MySpace
played the song 'You're The One That I Want' by Angus and Julia Stone on @myspace lnk.ms/FQmBm

07:32 from MySpace
played the song '真夜中から' by achordion on @myspace lnk.ms/MhYGD

07:33 from MySpace
played the song 'MOOD' by Elomaticmill [エロマティックミル] on @myspace lnk.ms/ZHt3Y

07:35 from MySpace
played the song 'Don't Let Me Down' by 宗玄 sougen on @myspace lnk.ms/ZbCN7

07:36 from MySpace
played the song '黄泉の国' by 宗玄 sougen on @myspace lnk.ms/MYl2j

07:41 from MySpace
played the song '脅迫メール' by 宗玄 sougen on @myspace lnk.ms/Lccg0

07:42 from MySpace
played the song 'Fit Against the Country' by Horse Feathers on @myspace lnk.ms/ZzCD0

07:45 from MySpace
played the song 'Immortal, Invisible' by Laura Story on @myspace lnk.ms/RXZgW

07:48 from MySpace
played the song 'My Moon My Man' by Feist on @myspace lnk.ms/JGTNG

07:52 from MySpace
played the song 'Half Of My Heart.mp3' by John Mayer on @myspace lnk.ms/K48Xv

07:53 from MySpace
played the song 'Maybe' by Asa on @myspace lnk.ms/QJvxV

07:55 from MySpace
played the song 'Be my man' by Asa on @myspace lnk.ms/RdtNM

07:57 from MySpace
played the song 'Ain't Happened Yet' by Raul Midon on @myspace lnk.ms/MKnWx

08:01 from MySpace
played the song 'Last Love 【MMB応募曲】' by ソウゲン カズヒロ on @myspace lnk.ms/Wm2X5

08:03 from MySpace
played the song '君のとなりで' by MANA on @myspace lnk.ms/X3Gsl

08:04 from MySpace
played the song 'Only You Can Love Me This Way' by Keith on @myspace lnk.ms/FMxDc

by sougen0820 on Twitter

