


2016-03-25 08:49:45 | 日記
China is constructing artificial islands in the South
China Sea and China is building military facilities on the
artificial islands. All of the countries of the region have
accused China.
The U.S. warned that the U.S. will not look the other way
when nations such as China try to restrict navigation or
ignore international rules and standards. The U.S. said,”
China's territorial claims in the South China Sea are
destabilizing the region, and its failure to resolve disputes
with other nations threatens East Asia's long-term progress.
The U.S. will oppose any nation's use of intimidation or
threat of force to assert territorial claims. All nations of
the region, including China, have a choice: to unite, and
recommit to a stable regional order, or, to walk away from
that commitment and risk the peace and security that
has benefited millions of people throughout the Asia-Pacific,
and billions of people around the world.”
Chinese leaders with no self-control should resign.
A harmful leader is a harmful leader all over the world.
What do you think?
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