
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ベトナム:言論の自由への献身でライターに栄誉



(New York, August 4, 2010) – Six Vietnamese writers are among a diverse group of 42 writers from 20 countries who have received the prestigious Hellman/Hammett award, which recognizes courage in the face of political persecution, Human Rights Watch announced today.


“Vietnamese writers are frequently harassed, or even jailed, for peacefully expressing their views,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, which administers the annual Hellman/Hammett awards. “By honoring courageous writers who have suffered political persecution, lost their jobs, or even sacrificed their freedom, we hope to bring international attention to voices that the Vietnamese government is trying to silence.”


All of this year’s awardees from Vietnam are writers whose work and activism have been suppressed by the government in its efforts to restrict free speech, control independent media, and limit open access and use of the internet.


The Vietnam government’s actions against some of the awardees include disrupting their personal and professional lives, hacking their websites, cutting their telephone lines, and pressuring family members to urge the awardees to cease their activities. Some awardees have even been attacked and injured by officially sanctioned mobs, or denounced and humiliated in orchestrated public meetings. All have been arrested and detained, and four are currently in prison.


This year’s awardees from Vietnam include Bui Thanh Hieu, who blogs under the name “Nguoi Buon Gio” (Wind Trader); Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, a blogger known on the internet as “Me Nam” (Mother Mushroom); Pham Van Troi, a human rights activist; Tran Duc Thach, a poet and military veteran; Vu Van Hung, and Tran Khai Thanh Thuy, a novelist. Pham Van Troi, Tran Duc Thach, Vu Hung, and Tran Khai Thanh Thuy are currently in prison. (Detailed biographies follow below.)

今年の受賞者は、ウィンド・トレイダーという名でブログを書いている(Bui Thanh Hieu)、マザー・マッシュルームとしてインターネット上で有名なブロッガーであるグエン・ゴック・ニュー・クイン、人権活動家(T Pham Van Troi)、詩人で退役軍人でもある(Tran Duc Thach)、小説家の(Vu Van Hung)と(Tran Khai Thanh Thuy)である。Pham Van TroiとTran Duc Thach、それに Vu Hung,と Tran Khai Thanh Thuyは現在刑務所に入れられている。(詳細な略歴は下記)

The Hellman/Hammett grants are given annually to writers around the world who have been targets of political persecution or human rights abuses. The grant program began in 1989, when the American playwright Lillian Hellman stipulated in her will that her estate should be used to assist writers in financial need as a result of expressing their views.

ヘルマン・ハメット助成金は政治的迫害や人権侵害の標的にされた世界中のライターに毎年与えられている。1989年に始まった同助成金プログラムは、アメリカ人脚本家リリアン・ヘルマン(Lillian Hellman)が「自分の遺産は自らの意見を表明した結果として財政的な困窮にみまわれているライターを支援するために使われなければならない。」と遺言に明記したのが契機である。

Hellman was prompted to create the assistance program for writers by the persecution that she and her longtime companion, the novelist Dashiell Hammett, experienced during the 1950s anti-communist witch hunts in the US, when both were questioned by congressional committees about their political beliefs and affiliations. Hellman suffered professionally and had trouble finding work. Hammett spent time in prison.

ヘルマンがライターに対する支援プログラムを思いついたのは、1950年代の米国で吹き荒れた共産主義者狩りの際、彼女とその長い連れ合いである小説家、ダシエル・ハメット(Dashiell Hammett)が経験している迫害からである。その時2人は自分たちの政治信念と所属党派について下院委員会で尋問を受けている。ヘルマンは仕事を干され職探しに苦しんだし、ハメットは刑務所生活を送った。

In 1989, the executors of Hellman’s estate asked Human Rights Watch to devise a program to help writers who were targeted for expressing views that their government opposed, for criticizing government officials or actions, or for writing about things that their government did not want to come to light.


Over the past 21 years, more than 700 writers from 92 countries have received Hellman/Hammett grants of up to $10,000 each, totaling more than $3 million. The program also gives small emergency grants to writers who have an urgent heed to leave their country or who need immediate medical treatment after serving prison terms or enduring torture.


 “The Hellman/Hammett grants aim to help writers who dare to express ideas that criticize official public policy or people in power” said Marcia Allina, Hellman/Hammett grant coordinator. “Many of the writers share a common purpose with Human Rights Watch: to protect the human rights of vulnerable people by shining a light on abuses and building public pressure to promote lasting, positive change.”


Short biographies of this year’s Hellman/Hammett awardees from Vietnam:


Bui Thanh Hieu, who blogs under the name “Nguoi Buon Gio” (Wind Trader), is one of Vietnam’s best known bloggers. His blog critiques the government’s China policy, its approval of controversial bauxite mines, and its mishandling of Catholic prayer vigils. Hieu was arrested in August 2009 and held for more than a week on charges of “abusing democratic freedom.” His house was searched and his laptop confiscated. In March 2010, Hieu was summoned and questioned by police for several days. He remains under surveillance and could be arrested and jailed at any time.

(Bui Thanh Hieu)は“ウィンド・トレイダー”という名でブログを書く、ベトナムでもっともよく知られているブロッガーの一人である。彼のブログは政府の中国政策や、論争を呼んだボーキサイト鉱山の政府承認そしてカトリック信徒の徹夜祭に対する政府の虐待などを批判している。Hieuは2009年8月に逮捕され“民主的自由乱用”容疑で1週間以上も拘留され、自宅も家宅捜査されたうえ備え付けのパソコンは押収された。2010年3月警察はHieuを何日も呼び出し尋問している。今も彼は監視されており、何時逮捕されて投獄されるのか分からない状態にある。

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, who blogs under the name “Me Nam” (Mother Mushroom), was detained and questioned after being photographed wearing a T-shirt with the words “No Bauxite, No China: Spratly and Paracel Islands belong to Vietnam.” In September 2009, she was taken from her home in the middle of the night by police and questioned about blog postings that criticized government policies on China and its disputed claims to the Spratly Islands. She was released after 10 days, but remains under surveillance by police, who continue to pressure her to shut down her blog. Her application for a passport was rejected.


Pham Van Troi has used various pen names to write about human rights, democracy, land rights, religious freedom, and territorial disputes between China and Vietnam. He was an active member of the Committee for Human Rights in Vietnam, one of the few human rights organizations permitted to operate in Vietnam, and also wrote for the dissident bulletin To Quoc (Fatherland). Since 2006, he has been repeatedly harassed and summoned by police. He was arrested in September 2008 and charged with disseminating anti-government propaganda. In May 2009, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined that Pham Van Troi had been wrongfully detained. Despite its conclusion, he was sentenced in October 2009 to four years in prison, followed by four years of house arrest.

(Pham Van Troi)は様々なペンネームを使って人権・民主主義・宗教の自由・中国ベトナム間の領有権争いについて書いてきた。ベトナムで活動することを認められている非常に数少ない団体の一つ、ベトナム人権委員会の活動的委員でもあり、また政府反対派の会報「父なる大地」に投稿していた。2006年以来、警察は彼に繰り返し嫌がらせを行ない、呼び出しをしている。2008年に彼は逮捕され、反政府プロパガンダ流布の容疑で起訴された。2009年5月、国連恣意的拘留に関する作業部会は(Pham Van Troi)が不法に拘留されているという判断を下した。この裁定にもかかわらず、2009年10月に彼は懲役4年とそれに続く自宅軟禁4年の刑を宣告された。

Tran Duc Thach has written a novel, hundreds of poems, and articles and reports that condemn corruption, injustice, and human rights abuses. A veteran of the People’s Liberation Army, he is a member of the Nghe An Writers Club. His 1988 novel, Doi Ban Tu (Two Companions in Prison), described the arbitrary nature of Vietnam’s legal system and the inhuman conditions in Vietnamese prisons. Poems published under the title Dieu Chua Thay (Things Still Untold) speak about life without freedom and justice. Tran Duc Thach has been repeatedly harassed since 1975. In 1978, the pressure became so harsh that he set himself on fire and was badly burned. Since then, he has been arrested 10 times and brought to court four times, each time released for lack of evidence. In 2009, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined that he had been wrongfully and arbitrarily detained after his last arrest in September 2008. Despite this he was sentenced to a three-year prison term, which will be followed by three years of house arrest.

(Tran Duc Thach)は一遍の小説と数百の詩、そして汚職、不正、人権侵害を非難する記事とレポートを書いて来ている。人民解放軍の退役軍人であり、ゲアン省(Nghe An)作家クラブのメンバーでもある。1988年に彼が書いた小説、「牢獄内の2人の連れ」はベトナム司法制度の恣意的な本質とベトナムの刑務所の非人間的環境を描いたものだった。「真実は未だ語られず」というタイトルで発刊された詩集は、自由と正義のない生活についてを述べている。(Tran Duc Thach)は1975年以来繰り返し嫌がらせに遭ってきた。1978年には圧力が非常に厳しいものとなる中、焼身自殺を図り火傷で重傷を負った。それ以来10度逮捕され4度裁判にかけられているが、その度に証拠不十分で釈放されている。2009年、国連恣意的拘留に関する作業部会は、2008年9月に最後に逮捕されて以来不法かつ恣意的に拘留されている、という判断を下した。しかしその裁定にもかかわらず、彼は懲役3年とそれに続く自宅軟禁3年の刑を科されている。

Tran Khai Thanh Thuy, a prominent novelist and journalist, writes about farmers’ land rights, human rights, corruption, and political pluralism. She is often critical of the government and the Vietnamese Communist Party. In October 2006, she was denounced in a show trial before hundreds of people. The next month she was fired from her job as a journalist and placed under house arrest. In April 2007, she was arrested at her home and held incommunicado in B14 prison in Hanoi for nine months. In 2008 and 2009, she endured repeated harassment from police and orchestrated neighborhood gangs, including at least 14 attacks by thugs throwing excrement and dead rodents at her house. Then in October 2009, she was arrested after trying to attend the trials of fellow dissidents and is serving a 42-month prison term. She has diabetes and tuberculosis but has been refused medical care while in prison.

著名な小説家でジャーナリストでもある(Tran Khai Thanh Thuy)は、農民の土地に対する権利、人権、汚職、政治的多元主義について書いていて、多くの場合政府とベトナム共産党に批判的である。2006年10月彼女は数百名の人々の前で行われた見せしめ裁判で激しい非難を受け、その翌月にはジャーナリストとしての仕事を首になって自宅軟禁された。2007年4月にも自宅で逮捕されハノイのB14刑務所に9ヶ月間隔離拘禁されている。2008年、2009年と彼女は警察と組織された周辺住民ギャングからの執拗な嫌がらせに耐えた。暴徒は排泄物やネズミの死体を家に投げつける襲撃を少なくとも14回も行なっている。2009年10月になって、反体制派の仲間に対する裁判を傍聴しようとして逮捕され、懲役42ヶ月の刑に服している。糖尿病と結核を患っているにもかかわらず、服役中、医療を受けることを拒否されている。

Vu Van Hung is a teacher and contributor to the dissident bulletin To Quoc (Fatherland) who was dismissed from his job because of his involvement with democracy activists and dissident writers. He was detained for nine days in 2007, then placed under house arrest. He wrote Nine Days in Jail to tell the story of his interrogation. In April 2008, he was arrested and severely beaten for joining a peaceful demonstration against China when the Beijing Olympic torch passed through Ho Chi Minh City. He was arrested again in September 2008 for hanging a banner on a bridge calling for multi-party democracy and is currently serving a three-year prison term, which is to be followed by three years of house arrest. His 2009 trial took place just months after the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined that he was a victim of wrongful and arbitrary detention. He is thought to be imprisoned at Hoa Lo 2 Prison in Hanoi, where he is suffering from health problems as a result of severe beatings during interrogation and a one-month hunger strike.

教師であり反体制派会報「父なる大地」の寄稿者である(Vu Van Hung)は、民主主義活動家や反体制派ライターとの関係が理由で職を失った。2007年に9日間拘束され、その後自宅軟禁された。その時の尋問の話を伝えるために「拘置所での9日(Nine Days in Jail)」を書いた。2008年4月には、北京オリンピックの聖火がホーチミン市を通過する時に行なわれた平和的なデモに参加したために、逮捕され激しい暴行を受けた。2008年9月には複数政党制を求めて橋から旗をつるしために、再び逮捕されて、現在懲役3年及びその後に続く自宅軟禁3年の刑に服している。国連恣意的拘留に関する作業部会が、彼が不法で恣意的な拘留の犠牲者であるという判断を下した、わずか1カ月後に2009年の裁判は開かれた。ハノイのHoa Lo第2刑務所に投獄されていると考えられるが、尋問の際に激しく暴行を受けたのと1ヶ月のハンストを行なった結果としての健康上の問題に苦しんでいる。

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