
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ トルコ:謀略裁判は軍の役割を明らかにすべきである




(London, October 17, 2008) – The prosecution of an alleged ultranationalist conspiracy aimed at the overthrow of Turkey’s democratic government should investigate whether current members of the military, intelligence services and state bureaucracy were involved, Human Rights Watch said today. The trial of 86 people accused of being members of the so-called Ergenekon gang, some of them senior retired military officers, begins on October 20, 2008.


“This case gives Turkey a chance to make clear that it will hold security forces accountable for abuse,” said Benjamin Ward, associate Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “But that can only happen if the investigation follows the evidence wherever – and to whomever – it leads.”  
The 2,455-page indictment alleges that an ultranationalist gang calling themselves Ergenekon (the name of a mythical homeland of the Turks in Central Asia) conspired to create the climate in Turkey for a military coup in 2009 through a campaign of planned assassinations of politicians, journalists, judges and others, as well as civil disturbance and incitement to violence against minorities.  
86名の被告人は、退役した軍幹部や、有罪判決を受けた事のある者及び暗黒街の住人と言われている 者、メディアや学者、弁護士、市民活動団体活動家の指導的立場の人物を含んでいる。2名の元最高位であった将軍(前憲兵司令長官、前第一軍指令長官)が、この超国粋主義者の一団に関与していたという容疑で、後日法廷に立つ。この事件は、イスタンブール重刑事第13法廷に起訴されている。
The 86 defendants include senior retired military personnel, convicted and alleged members of the criminal underworld, leading figures from the media, academics, lawyers, and activists from civil society organizations. Two retired top generals (the former head of the gendarmerie and the commander of the First Army) will stand trial later for their alleged involvement in the gang. The case is being prosecuted before Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 13.  
Turkey has a poor record of bringing to justice members of the military, state bodies and the government implicated in grave human rights abuses. Most suspected of these crimes have escaped prosecution.  
 当該事件の起訴状は、エルゲネコン・ギャングが2006年5月日刊紙クムハリエットの建物に爆弾攻撃、及び、国家評議会(Council of State)の裁判官に対する2006年4月に起きた武装攻撃(ムスタファ・ユセル・オズビルギン裁判官が殺害された)に関与している事を示す証拠を含んでいる。この超国粋主義者の一団のメンバーであると疑いを掛けられている者たちは、また、首相を含む公的生活を営んでいる人々の暗殺その他非常に多くの犯罪を企てた容疑で、裁判に掛けられる予定である。裁判に掛けられている者の中は、軍とクルディスタン労働党(PKK)との紛争の最中、対テロ対策の名の下に国家機関や軍の内部に設立された秘密ネットワークに、過去に参加していた憲兵隊の前幹部がいる。従前の捜査では、このネットワークは、恣意的処刑や拉致をなどの非合法及び超法規的戦術を行っていたと疑われている。
The indictment in the case contains evidence linking the Ergenekon gang to bomb attacks on the premises of the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet in May 2006, and an armed attack in April 2006 on judges at the Council of State, in which judge Mustafa Yücel Özbilgin was killed. The alleged gang members will also be tried on suspicion of plotting assassinations of figures in public life, including the prime minister, and numerous other crimes. Among those facing trial are former senior members of the gendarmerie associated in the past with covert networks established within the state apparatus and military in the name of counterterrorism in the conflict between the military and the armed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). In previous investigations, these networks were alleged to have resorted to unlawful and extrajudicial tactics, including arbitrary killings and enforced disappearances.  

While the indictment concludes that, through these actions, the gang demonstrated its intention to foment the conditions for the Turkish military to attempt a coup to overthrow the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, it also explicitly notes that the General Chief of Staff’s office and the National Intelligence Agency (MÝT) have denied that the military and intelligence services were involved in the conspiracy.  
However, a diary of the retired Naval Commander, Admiral Özden Örnek, which was leaked and published in April 2007, included descriptions of two separate plans in 2004 to carry out coups. The current indictment makes no reference to the diary, although the Ergenekon gang was allegedly active at the time of the planned coups.  
“To get to the bottom of the conspiracy, it is essential that the Istanbul court fully investigate the allegations of military involvement in coup plots, including those in the Örnek diaries, and probe possible connections between alleged coup-plotters and the Ergenekon gang,” said Ward.  
Critics of the Ergenekon gang investigation have suggested that some of the evidence in the indictment is flimsy and that the arrest of some individuals has been motivated by the government’s desire to muzzle its most outspoken critics and opponents.  
しかしながら、検察及び司法当局は、国当局者と治安部隊によって行われたと疑いを掛けられている犯罪に対応する事については殆ど何もしていない。検察及び司法当局の治安部隊当局者に対する甘い対応は良く知られていて、犯罪を働いたと疑われる、軍や情報機関の捜査や、これら機関の者の特定と起訴に繋がる可能性がある証拠の追求に必要な、意志、或いは 独立性における不十分さを、繰り返し露呈して来ていた。
However, the prosecution and judicial authorities still mostly fail to deal with crimes allegedly committed by state officials and the security forces. They are notoriously lenient toward members of the security forces, and have in the past repeatedly demonstrated insufficient will or independence to investigate the military and intelligence services or to pursue evidence that could lead to the identification and prosecution of members of these institutions who are alleged to have committed crimes.  
In hearing the case against the Ergenekon gang, the judges of Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 13 must demonstrate its independence and capacity to uphold the rule of law by thoroughly examining all the evidence against the defendants and providing them with a fair trial, Human Rights Watch said.  
背景 Background  
The Turkish public learned of the so-called Ergenekon gang on January 22, 2008, when 33 individuals, including retired senior military personnel, lawyers and individuals associated with criminal gangs, were taken into custody. The investigation had started seven months earlier with the discovery on June 12, 2007 of 27 hand grenades and explosives in an Istanbul house belonging to a retired noncommissioned officer in the Turkish military.  
The evidence suggests that the grenades were similar to those used in attacks on the Istanbul offices of the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet in May 2006 and the armed attack on judges at the Council of State in April 2006. The investigation that followed uncovered evidence pointing to a much larger conspiracy, including evidence of plans to assassinate the prime minister, the former chief of staff, several members of Parliament from the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party, the writer Orhan Pamuk, and others.  
 2008年7月25日、イスタンブール重刑事第13法廷は、正式に検察官の2455ページに及ぶ起訴状を受理した。エルゲネコンの指導部であったとされている者たちに対する容疑は、“武力若しくは暴力により政府を倒し、或いは、政府の義務の一部又は全部妨害をすることを企てた。”(トルコ刑法312条違反;重終身刑を科すことが出来る。)、“政府に対する武装反乱を率いた。”“国民に対して政府に対する武装反乱を扇動した。” “反乱に参加した。”(同313条違反;指導者に対して重終身刑、その他関与した者に対して6年から25年の懲役刑を科すことが出来る。)、“武装組織を設立又はそれに参加した。”(同314条違反;武装集団のメンバーであったことで5年から10年、指導部であったことで10年から15年の懲役刑を科すことが出来る。)、“武器を供与したこと。”(同315条違反)などである。
On July 25, 2008, the Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No.13 formally accepted the prosecutor’s 2,455-page public indictment. The charges against those alleged to be in the leadership of Ergenekon include “attempting by force or violence to remove the government or obstruct it partially or wholly from carrying out its duties” (Turkish Penal Code, article 312), punishable with aggravated life imprisonment; “leading an armed uprising against the government,” “inciting the population to armed uprising against the government,” “participating in such an uprising” (article 313), punishable with aggravated life imprisonment for those in the leadership and to prison terms ranging from six years to 25 years for others involved; “establishing or being a member of an armed organization” (article 314), punishable with prison sentences ranging from five to 10 years for membership and from 10 to 15 years for leadership of an armed group, and “providing weapons” (article 315).  

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