
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ Q&A:ハマス率いる武装組織による2023年10月7日のイスラエル襲撃(前半)



  1. What violations of international humanitarian law and grave international crimes were committed on October 7? 


Human Rights Watch research found that Palestinian armed groups involved in the assault on Israel on October 7, 2023, committed numerous violations of international humanitarian law – also known as the laws of war – that amount to war crimes. These include deliberate and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian objects; willful killing of persons in custody; cruel and other inhumane treatment; crimes relating to sexual and gender-based violence; hostage-taking; mutilation and despoiling (robbing) of bodies; use of human shields; and pillage and looting.


Human Rights Watch also found that Palestinian armed groups committed a widespread attack directed against a civilian population, according to the definition required for crimes against humanity. This is based on the numerous civilian sites targeted and on the planning that Human Rights Watch documented went into the crimes. Human Rights Watch has further found that killing civilians and taking hostages were central aims of the planned attack, and not actions that occurred as an afterthought, or as a plan gone awry, or as isolated acts, for example solely by unaffiliated Palestinians from Gaza, and as such there is strong evidence of an organizational policy to commit multiple acts of crimes against humanity.


Under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, an attack directed against a civilian population is defined as a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts of crimes against humanity, such as murder or unlawful imprisonment, pursuant to or in furtherance of a state or organizational policy to commit such an attack.


Human Rights Watch concludes that the murder of civilians and the taking of hostages – imprisonment in violation of fundamental rules of international law – on October 7, 2023, formed part of the attack and were crimes against humanity.


There should be further investigation of other potential crimes against humanity, including persecution against any identifiable group on racial, national, ethnic or religious grounds; rape or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; and extermination. These would amount to crimes against humanity if the acts amounting to these crimes were committed as part of the attack directed against a civilian population.


This report only covers the abuses committed on October 7; it does not examine the abuses committed during subsequent events including the treatment of hostages in Gaza.


  1. What research did Human Rights Watch carry out to determine violations of international law during the October 7 assault?
  2. 10月7日の襲撃の際に行われた国際法違反を究明するためにHRWはどんな調査を行ったのか?

Human Rights Watch interviewed 94 survivors of the October 7 assault and another 50 people, including family members of survivors, of hostages and of those killed; first responders who collected human remains from the attack sites; medical experts who examined the human remains and provided forensic advice to the Israeli authorities; officials from the municipalities affected by the attacks; and journalists who visited the attack sites after the areas had been secured by the Israeli armed forces. Most of the survivors interviewed were Jewish Israelis; Human Rights Watch also interviewed Palestinians from Gaza, Palestinian citizens of Israel, and foreign workers from Nepal, Thailand, and the Philippines.


Researchers also verified and analyzed over 280 photographs and videos taken during and in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 assault, many of which were posted on social media.


3.How many people were killed during the October 7 assault? 


The Israeli government has reported the deaths of 1,195 people stemming from the assault on October 7, including the later deaths of hostages in Gaza. Agence France Presse (AFP), which analyzed numerous Israeli government databases tracking the number of people killed and researched the killings of foreigners, assessed that 815 of the 1,195 were civilians, including 79 foreign nationals. Among them were at least 282 women and 36 children. AFP did not count soldiers, police, or members of community security or the rapid response teams as civilians, although police and members of the rapid response teams who do not have a permanent combat role are normally civilians under the laws of war.


Human Rights Watch was unable to confirm the cause of death of all civilians who lost their lives. In cases in which Human Rights Watch received information about the cause of death, the evidence indicates that only a minority of civilian deaths resulted from fighting between Israeli armed forces and Palestinian armed groups, including by Israeli forces. Human Rights Watch did not find evidence to support the claim that the majority of the deaths were caused by heavy weapons only used by Israeli forces and not by Palestinian armed groups.


  1. Did Human Rights Watch examine Palestinian armed group abuses against Israeli soldiers?
  2. パレスチナ武装組織のイスラエル兵士に対する人権侵害を、HRWは調査したのか?

Under the laws of war, combatants are subject to military attack. However, they are protected from mistreatment in custody, such as torture, sexual and gender-based violence and murder, and other violations of the laws of war, such as being used as hostages or human shields.


Because of a lack of access to the Israeli armed forces, Human Rights Watch in this report did not address abuses against Israeli soldiers on October 7.


  1. What violations of international humanitarian law and grave international crimes has Human Rights Watch documented in Gaza since the October 7 assault?
  2. 10月7日の襲撃以降にHRWは、ガザでどの様な国際人道法違反と重大な国際犯罪記録取りまとめたのか?

Since October 7, 2023, Israeli authorities have cut off essential services, including water and electricity, to Gaza’s population and blocked the entry of all but a trickle of fuel and critical humanitarian aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation as a method of warfare. The blockade exacerbated the humanitarian situation stemming from Israel’s 17-year-long sweeping restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza.

2023年10月7日以降イスラエル当局は、ガザ住民への生活に不可欠なサービスを遮断し、極めて僅かな燃料と人道援助物資を除く殆どの物資の搬入を断ち、集団に科する刑罰(ジュネーブ第3条約第87条)を行うと共に、戦闘の方法として飢餓の状態を利用し(ローマ規定第8条(b) (xxv))、戦争犯罪に該当する行為を行って来た。イスラエルが17年超に渡りガザへの人と物資の出入りを全面規制してきたことに起因する人道状況を、封鎖は悪化させた。

Israeli attacks in apparent violation of the laws of war and possible war crimes have hit large residential buildings, food aid distribution centers, medical facilities, schools, shelters, aid worker residences, universities, water infrastructure and wells, and reduced large parts of neighborhoods to rubble. Israeli forces have also unlawfully used white phosphorous in Gaza. Israeli authorities have ordered most of Gaza’s population to evacuate their homes, risking the war crime of forced displacement. As of July 1, at least 37,900 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and 87,060 others injured, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.


Since October 7, Palestinian armed groups have unlawfully launched thousands of rockets at Israeli communities, causing death, injuries, and property damage.


The serious crimes carried out by Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups since October 7 are the legacy of decades-long impunity for unlawful attacks and crimes by all parties, including Israel’s crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution against Palestinians.


Those Responsible 責任者

  1. Which Palestinian armed groups participated in the October 7 assault?
  2. 10月7日の襲撃に参加したのは何というパレスチナ武装組織なのか?

Human Rights Watch confirmed the participation of at least five Palestinian armed groups from Gaza in the attacks: Hamas’ armed wing, the Qassam Brigades; the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s armed wing, the Quds Brigades; the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s armed wing, the National Resistance Brigades or the Omar al-Qasim Forces; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s armed wing, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades; and the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, formerly linked to the Fatah political faction.







These groups’ participation was confirmed in large part through a detailed analysis of the attackers visible in videos taken during the attacks, including CCTV and body camera footage, some wearing colored headbands linked to specific armed groups, as well as an identification of the Telegram social media channels belonging to specific armed groups on which the footage of abuse was posted, with the captions claiming responsibility for the acts shown.


Two additional groups – the Mujahideen Brigades and Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades – claimed to have participated in the assault, but Human Rights Watch was unable to independently confirm their participation. Another group, the Ansar Brigades, may also have participated in the attacks, but Human Rights Watch was unable to verify its participation, nor did the group release a statement confirming its involvement on October 7.


All of these groups were members of a “Joint Operations Room” in Gaza that during escalations in hostilities engage in training, planning, and carrying out armed operations against Israel.


  1. Who is legally responsible for violations of the laws of war committed by armed groups linked to political movements? 
  2. 政治運動と結び付く複数の武装組織が行った戦争法違反の法的責任は誰にあるのか?

Human Rights Watch found strong evidence of the participation of at least five Palestinian armed groups from Gaza in the attacks: Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, which led the assault; the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s armed wing, the Quds Brigades; the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s armed wing, the National Resistance Brigades or Omar al-Qasim Forces; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s armed wing, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades; and the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, formerly linked to the Fatah political faction.







Since 2007, Hamas has been the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip and engages in civil governance beyond its military component. Hamas and all the other political groups whose armed wings participated in the assault are ultimately responsible for the actions of their military forces. The Human Rights Watch reporting of the attacks focused on the actions of the groups’ fighters, who were members of their military wings and are referred to as such. Human Rights Watch was unable to determine the extent of information the military wings shared with their political branches about the October 7 assault.


Members of the political wings who participated in the planning, aiding or commission of abuses perpetrated during the October 7 assault would also bear legal liability and may be prosecuted for criminal offenses. Civilian leaders may also be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity as a matter of command responsibility when they knew or should have known about the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity by persons within their chain of command and took insufficient measures to prevent them or punish those responsible.


  1. What role did civilians from Gaza who crossed into Israel play during the October 7 assault? 
  2. 10月7日の襲撃時にイスラエルに越境したガザの民間人はどの様な役割を果たしたのか?

Analysis of over 280 photographs and videos from the assault, as well as witness evidence, shows that apparently well-trained and armed fighters in uniform began attacking civilian populated areas immediately after they carried out a coordinated breach of multiple points of the barrier between Gaza and Israel. Survivor accounts along with photographs and verified videos show Palestinian fighters seeking out civilians and killing them across the attack sites from the first moments that the assault began, indicating that the intentional killing and hostage-taking of civilians was planned and highly coordinated.


While some attackers were wearing civilian clothing, Human Rights Watch could not determine whether they were civilians. In some cases, witnesses saw these individuals communicating with uniformed fighters, including in some instances using two-way radios that the fighters were using to receive orders. Moreover, fighters in non-state armed groups are not obligated under the laws of war to wear uniforms or other identifying insignia. As such, Human Rights Watch did not find that civilians from Gaza who opportunistically crossed into Israel were responsible for the most serious violations during the assault.


  1. What weapons were used by Palestinian fighters in their attacks on Israeli communities?
  2. パレスチナ人戦闘員がイスラエル人コミュニティへの襲撃で使用した武器は何?

Palestinian armed groups carried out numerous attacks on civilians in their homes, in open fields, driving on roadways, or in public bomb shelters where they were subjected to gunfire from assault rifles, often at point-blank or very close-range, grenades, and shoulder-fired rockets.


Fires also destroyed a number of buildings and vehicles. Human Rights Watch documented Palestinian fighters setting fires in apparent attempts to drive civilians out of their safe rooms, either to capture or kill them. By law, all homes in Israel constructed since 1992 are required to have mamads or safe rooms inside them, designed to withstand rocket attacks.


In other cases, fires may have been the consequence of the use of small arms and explosives, which can cause the ignition of flammable materials, particularly when vehicles are attacked.


In a number of areas, fighting between Palestinian armed groups and members of community emergency response teams and Israeli security forces persisted for several days. Israeli military forces used helicopters, tanks and other armored vehicles, and heavy equipment, such as bulldozers, in their attempts to clear areas under attack of Palestinian fighters.


Aims of Human Rights Watch Report  HRW報告書の目的

  1. What are the aims of Human Rights Watch’s report? 
  2. HRW報告書の目的な何か?

Human Rights Watch has a mandate to document violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, including during active armed conflicts. The organization conducts this work in an impartial manner, regardless of the victim or perpetrator.


In Human Rights Watch’s work on Israel and Palestine, and in conflicts more broadly, our core aims include civilian protection, accountability for victims of rights abuse, and countering mis- and disinformation with clear, contextualized facts. The principle of non-reciprocity is a foundational principle of international humanitarian law: -- abuses by one side can never justify abuses by the other.


Human Rights Watch’s investigation aims to capture the nature and extent of violations of international humanitarian law and serious international crimes committed by Palestinian armed groups across numerous attack sites on October 7. The report also examines the role of different Palestinian armed groups involved, and their coordination before and during the attacks. In doing so, it establishes a thorough, independent record of the crimes that occurred on October 7 and who is responsible for them.


Human Rights Watch’s report sets out detailed recommendations to Palestinian authorities and armed groups, the Israeli government, the UN Security Council and other states. These include a call on Palestinian armed groups in Gaza to immediately and unconditionally release civilians held hostage and for countries with influence with Hamas and the armed groups to also press for their immediate release. The report outlines critical steps that should be taken to ensure justice and reparations for victims, including through cooperation with international authorities.


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