
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ エチオピアの人権活動家が受賞


(New York, November 4, 2010) – Yoseph Mulugeta will receive the Human Rights Watch Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism in November 2010 for his relentless work defending civil society in Ethiopia. Mulugeta, the former secretary general of the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO), a rights monitoring organization, fled the country in late 2009. He received political asylum in the United States, where he continues to speak out on the deteriorating situation for civil society activists in Ethiopia.


Since the contentious 2005 elections in Ethiopia, when post-election protests were violently crushed, Ethiopia’s human rights record has deteriorated. The space for independent civil society has sharply diminished. A repressive new law bars nongovernmental organizations that receive foreign funding from doing any work on human rights and governance. Meanwhile, international donors provide more than $3 billion annually to Ethiopia, with little regard for the aid’s impact on human rights. 


“It’s a tragedy that the Ethiopian government’s attack on independent voices has forced Yoseph Mulugeta to flee,” said Leslie Lefkow, senior Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Ethiopia’s people desperately need defenders like Yoseph Mulugeta to shine a light on the deplorable state of human rights in the country.”


The Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism celebrates the valor of individuals who put their lives at risk to protect human dignity and create a world where people live free of violence, discrimination, and oppression. Human Rights Watch honors Mulugeta for continuing to strive to create a vibrant civil society in an increasingly repressive country.


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