
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イエメン:フーシ派が新たに地雷を使用



(Beirut, November 17, 2015) – Houthi forces in Yemen are using banned antipersonnel landmines, causing multiple new civilian casualties, Human Rights Watch said today, releasing new evidence of their use. The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, should cease using these weapons. 


Landmines have killed at least 12 people and wounded over 9 in Yemen’s southern and eastern governorates of Abyan, Aden, Marib, Lahj, and Taizz since September 2015, according to Yemeni mine clearance officials, medical professionals, and media reports. Antivehicle mines accounted for 9 of those killed and 5 injured, although whether the mine is antivehicle or antipersonnel is often not detailed in reporting. Human Rights Watch believes that the actual number of mine victims in Yemen since September may be much higher.


“The Houthis are killing and maiming civilians with landmines,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch. “Antipersonnel landmines are indiscriminate weapons that should not be used under any circumstances. Houthi forces should immediately stop using these horrific weapons and respect Yemen’s obligations under the Mine Ban Treaty.”


The United Nations Human Rights Council should create an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate these and other serious laws-of-war violations by all parties to Yemen’s conflict, Human Rights Watch said.


There were numerous casualties from landmines laid by Houthi forces before their retreat from Abyan and Aden in July, Human Rights Watch said.


Yemen ratified the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty on September 1, 1998, making a commitment to never use antipersonnel mines under any circumstances, and to prevent and suppress the activities prohibited by the treaty. A total of 162 countries are party to the treaty, which comprehensively prohibits the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of antipersonnel mines and requires their clearance and assistance to victims.


Mine clearance personnel have found at least two types of blast antipersonnel mines produced in the 1980s: PPM-2 mines manufactured in the former East Germany and GYATA-64 mines made in Hungary. In April 2002, Yemen reported to the UN that it had finished destroying its stockpile of antipersonnel mines as required by the Mine Ban Treaty. Neither mine was among the four types of antipersonnel mines that Yemen has reported stockpiling in the past, including for training mine clearance personnel.


Both the PPM-2 and GYATA-64 mines have been used elsewhere in Yemen in recent years. The evidence of further use of these antipersonnel mines in 2015 suggests either that the 2002 declaration to the UN secretary-general on the completion of landmine stockpile destruction was incorrect, or that these mines were acquired from another source after 2002.


It is unlikely that the PPM-2 or GYATA-64 antipersonnel mines found in Yemen were manufactured recently, as both Germany and Hungary signed the Mine Ban Treaty in December 1997, committing to end production and transfers of antipersonnel mines. Styrofoam crates of PPM-2 antipersonnel mines found by deminers in Bab al-Mandeb in October 2015 also contained packaging dated June 17, 1981, while the crate exteriors were marked with various dates in 1980 and 1982.


Houthi forces also appear to have used antivehicle mines manufactured in the former Soviet Union, including TM-62 and TM-57 mines, as well as UKA-63 antivehicle mines manufactured in Hungary.

フーシ派部隊はまた、元ソビエト製対車両地雷TM-62とTM-57、更にハンガリー製対車両地雷UKA-63 も使ってきたようだ。

Victim-activated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that explode due to the presence, proximity, or contact of a person fall under the definition of an antipersonnel landmine and are prohibited by the Mine Ban Treaty. Deminers have found and cleared victim-activated IEDs from Aden and elsewhere in southern Yemen in 2015. In 2013, the Yemeni government accused Houthi forces of using victim-activated IEDs in 2011-2012 in Saada and Haijja governorates during fighting with local Sunni tribes backed by the government.


There has been no evidence to suggest that members of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition have used landmines in their military operations in Yemen.


International assistance is urgently needed to equip and assist clearance personnel to systematically survey and clear mines and explosive remnants of war from areas that have recently experienced fighting, Human Rights Watch said. Appropriate compensation, assistance, and support should be provided to those injured as a result from the mines and to the families of those injured or killed, as well as to other landmine victims in Yemen, including medical care and rehabilitation.


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has apparently deployed mine clearance vehicles to assist in clearance operations in Aden and Marib. Saudi-coalition forces have also been photographed apparently clearing mines in Marib.


The national Yemen Executive Mine Action Center (YEMAC) sometimes has to convince armed groups and civilians to turn in landmines in their possession to mine action teams for destruction. Some refuse to hand them over without payment or compensation. Possession of antipersonnel mines by civilians or armed groups in Yemen is a violation of the Mine Ban Treaty and Yemen’s 2005 implementing legislation for the treaty.


Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to bring about the Mine Ban Treaty and for its contributions to a new international diplomacy based on humanitarian imperatives.


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