
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ シリア:クラスター爆弾が子どもを殺害した証拠現る



(Washington, DC, November 27, 2012) – Compelling evidence has emerged that an airstrike using cluster bombs on the town of Deir al-`Assafeer near Damascus killed at least 11 children and wounded others on November 25, 2012, Human Rights Watch said today. The Syrian government should immediately cease its use of this highly dangerous weapon, which has been banned by most nations.

(ワシントンDC、2012年11月27日)-2012年11月25日ダマスカス近くのDeir al-`Assafeerの街に、クラスター爆弾を使用した空爆が行われ、少なくとも11人の子どもを殺害、負傷者も出たという有力な証拠が明らかになった、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。シリア政府は、殆どの国で使用が禁止されている、この危険な兵器の使用を直ちに取り止めなければならない。

“This attack shows how cluster munitions kill without discriminating between civilians and military personnel,” said Mary Wareham, arms division advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “Due to the devastating harm caused to civilians, cluster bombs should not be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time.”


According to video footage and testimony from local residents, at least 11 children were killed in the strike on Saraya neighborhood in the eastern part of Deir al-`Assafeer. Two residents told Human Rights Watch that the cluster bomb strike occurred as a group of at least 20 local children were gathered in a field where they usually play.

ビデオ映像と地元住民の証言によれば、Deir al-`Assafeer東部のサラヤ居住区への空爆で、少なくとも11人の子どもが殺害されている。住民2人がヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、普段子どもが遊んでいる野原に、地元の子ども少なくとも20人が集まっていた時に、クラスター爆弾での空爆があったと話していた。

One witness said:


Around 2:50 p.m. a MIG 23 appeared in the sky. I was 100 meters away from the playground. I looked outside and saw the MIG hovering around and then release six cluster bombs as it flew away. I saw two breaking in half. Then I heard a series of small explosions. It sounded like fireworks but of course louder. Then I heard people screaming and running toward the playground. I followed them with the rest of the men who were with me. When I reached the playground I saw five children dead and many other wounded. The severely injured children were taken to nearby hospitals and the ones with lighter wounds to a field hospital.


A Human Rights Watch analysis of videos posted online by Syrian activists of the scene of the attack indicates that at least three RBK-250/275 AO-1SCh cluster bombs were used in the strike. Each RBK-250/275 AO-1SCh cluster bomb contains 150 AO-1SCh antipersonnel fragmentation bomblets and creates a destructive footprint of 4,800 square meters (52,000 square feet), the equivalent of a United States football field, according to a standard international air-launched reference guide. Markings on the cluster bomb remnants indicate they were manufactured in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. There is no information available on how or when Syria acquired them.

シリア人活動家が空爆現場を撮影して、インターネット上に投稿したビデオ映像に対して、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが行った分析は、その空爆で少なくとも3発のRBK-250/275 AO-1SChクラスター爆弾が、使われていたことを明らかにしている。空中発射用兵器の標準国際手引書によれば、RBK-250/275 AO-1SChクラスター爆弾はそれぞれ150発のAO-1SCh対人破片小型爆弾を内包し、アメリカンフットボールの競技場と同じくらいの面積、4,800㎡を破壊する。今回使用されたクラスター爆弾の残骸に残された表示は、それらが1970年代にソビエト連邦で製造されたことを示している。シリアが如何にそして何時、それらを入手したのかについての情報は、入手できない。

Video footage posted by Syrian activists of the immediate aftermath of the attack shows children and adults lying severely wounded on the ground, with injuries consistent with those caused by cluster bombs.


Cluster bomb remnants and local testimony indicate that one bomb landed in the field where the witnesses said the children were playing, a second bomb landed on a house less than 50 meters away, and the third bomb landed in farmland approximately 150 meters from the field.


One video shows unexploded bomblets found in the field where the witnesses said the children were playing. On the video, a resident who lives next to the field says that at least six children died in the field from the attack: Shahd al-Lahham al-Omar, 4 years old, Mamdouh Shehab, 11, Mohamad al-Shafouni, 11, Roba Youssef al-Ali, 13, and two other unnamed children.

「子どもたちが遊んでいた」と目撃者が証言する野原で見つかった不発小型爆弾を、あるビデオは映し出している。そのビデオの中で、爆撃で野原にいた子ども、Shahd al-Lahham al-Omar(4歳)、 Mamdouh Shehab(11歳) Mohamad al-Shafouni(11歳)、 Roba Youssef al-Ali(13歳)、と姓名不明の2人の、少なくとも6人が死亡した、と野原の隣で生活する住民が話している。

According to local residents, a second cluster bomb remnant was found less than 50 meters away from the field and killed four children in a house: Mohamad Bassel al-Lahham, 5, Eman al-Lahham, 12, `Adnan al-Hussein, 7, and `Anoud Mohamad, 12. An old man was also severely wounded.

地元住民によれば、2発目のクラスター爆弾の残骸は、野原から50m以内にある民家で見つかり、子ども4人、Mohamad Bassel al-Lahham(5歳)、 Eman al-Lahham(12歳)、 `Adnan al-Hussein(7歳)、 `Anoud Mohamad(12歳)を殺害している。また老人男性1人も重傷を負っている。

A third cluster bomb remnant was found in the farmland 150 meters from the field where the children were playing. The cluster bomb killed Zeinab Othman, 12, and one of her parents. The family was working in the farmland at the time, a resident said. The cluster bomb attack also killed and maimed cattle grazing in the area.

3発目のクラスター爆弾の残骸は子どもたちが遊んでいた野原から150m離れた農地で発見された。そのクラスター爆弾はZeinab Othman(12歳)と彼女の両親の一方を殺害した。家族は爆撃当時農地で働いていた、と住民は話していた。そのクラスター爆弾は更にそのエリアで牧草を食んでいた、家畜を殺害或いは傷つけている。

The witnesses said that there is no base for the rebel Free Syria Army (FSA) near or around the area. “There is no FSA equipment, machinery or anything else around the fields or near the farmlands,” one resident told Human Rights Watch. Another said: “There were no FSA vehicles or machinery visible. FSA soldiers do not live in residential areas.” Human Rights Watch has not been able to confirm independently the presence or otherwise of any fighters but the large number of children playing outside at the time of the strike would be consistent with the absence of any fighting in the immediate area.


From the video footage, Human Rights Watch identified more than 50 unexploded AO-1SCh bomblet remnants. Unexploded bomblets pose a deadly risk to those who handle or approach them. There is an urgent need for risk education and support to emergency clearance efforts in Syria to tackle the unexploded ordnance created from the use of cluster munitions and other explosive weapons.


Two witnesses told Human Rights Watch that an MIG airplane flew over again that day and dropped approximately six cluster bombs on another neighborhood in the eastern part of Deir al-`Assafeer.

2人の目撃者がヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、ミグ機はその日再度飛来し、Deir al-`Assafeer東部の他の居住区に約6発のクラスター爆弾を投下したと話していた。

Previously, in October, Human Rights Watch documented an increase in the use of cluster bombs throughout the country by Syrian military aircraft.


“All governments, including Syria’s allies, should condemn Syria’s continued use of cluster bombs as these weapons are subject to a ban under international law due to the harm they cause to civilians,” said Wareham. “A much stronger response is needed to convince the Syrian government to stop using cluster bombs.”


At least 16 governments have condemned Syria’s use of cluster munitions, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


A majority of the world’s nations have comprehensively banned the use of cluster munitions through the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which came into force on August 1, 2010. Syria is not a party to the convention and did not participate in the 2007-2008 Oslo Process, which led to creation of the treaty that bans cluster munitions and requires clearance of contaminated areas and assistance to victims. A total of 77 states are party to the convention, while another 34 have signed but not yet ratified.


Cluster munitions can be fired by rockets, mortars, and artillery or dropped by aircraft. They explode in the air, sending dozens, even hundreds, of submunitions or “bomblets” over a wide area. These submunitions often fail to explode on initial impact, leaving duds that act like landmines and explode when handled.


In May, new cluster munition use was reported in Sudan, another country that has not joined the Convention on Cluster Munitions. In 2011, Libya and Thailand, neither of which has signed the convention, also used cluster munitions.


Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the international Cluster Munition Coalition, the civil society campaign behind the Convention on Cluster Munitions.


Additionally, videos posted the week of November 18, 2012, by Syrian activists show the use of bombs that contain a payload of incendiary submunitions. The remnants of these weapons in the videos indicate that at least three RBK-250 bombs were used near the town of Ma`ar`et al-Nu`man. Each contained 48 ZAB-2.5 incendiary submunitions. The designation ZAB stands for ‘zazhigatelnaya aviatsionnaya bomba’ meaning ‘incendiary aircraft bomb.’

更に2012年11月18日にシリア人活動家が投稿したビデオ映像は、焼夷小型爆弾弾頭を内包した爆弾の使用も明らかにしている。ビデオに移っているそれらの兵器の残骸は、Ma`ar`et al-Nu`man町の近くでRBK-250爆弾少なくとも3発が使われたことを、明らかにしている。そのどれもがZAB-2.5焼夷小型爆弾48発を内包していた。ZABという表示は、「焼夷航空機用爆弾」を意味する‘zazhigatelnaya aviatsionnaya bomba’の略である。

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