
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ インドネシア:EU議会はパプアでの人権侵害に異議申し立てをすべき



(Brussels, JANUARY 19, 2014) – The European Parliament’s hearing on human rights in Papua in Indonesia is an important opportunity to raise concerns and press for improvements in the area’s grave human rights situation, Human Rights Watch said today. The hearing of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights on West Papua and Papua provinces is scheduled for January 23, 2014 in Brussels.


“The European Parliament’s hearing on Papua should spotlight the serious human rights challenges and the Indonesian government’s needed reforms,” said Phelim Kine, deputy Asia director. “Indonesia should realize that abuses by state security forces are a recipe for instability and lawlessness.”Human Rights Watch has long urged the Indonesian government to address widespread abuses in Papua by:


  • Allowing international media, nongovernmental groups, diplomats, and aid agencies access to the two provinces to report on rights abuses by all sides. By keeping Papua closed off from the rest of the world, the Indonesian government is fostering impunity among military forces and resentment among Papuans;
  • Permitting access to Papua and West Papua provinces and issuing standing invitations to visit for United Nations human rights experts, including the UN special rapporteur on freedom of expression;
  • Investigating the performance of recent military tribunals in Papua and the failure to bring those implicated in serious abuses to justice;
  • Releasing all political prisoners in Papua who are being held for the peaceful expression of their political views, including the activist Filep Karma; and
  • Reviewing and amending all laws in Papua that permit criminal prosecutions for the peaceful exercise of political expression, association, and assembly, including the regulation prohibiting the flying of the Papuan Morning Star flag.
  • 国際メディア、NGO、外交官、援助機関が、全陣営による人権侵害に関して報告できるよう、両州への立ち入りを認めること。インドネシア政府は、パプアを世界から閉ざし続けて、軍部隊の不処罰特権とパプア人の怒りを助長している。
  • 「表現の自由に関する国連特別報告者」を含む、国連の人権問題に関する専門家に、パプア州と西パプア州への立ち入りを認めると共に、両州を視察するよう継続招待を出すこと
  • パプアで最近開かれた軍事法廷及び、重大な人権侵害に関与した者を裁判に掛けなかった事例を調査すること
  • 政治的意見を平和的に表明したために拘束されている、活動家のフィレップ・カルマを含むパプアの政治犯全員を釈放すること
  • パプアのモーニングスター旗の掲揚を禁じる法律など、政治的な表現・結社・集会の自由を平和的に行使する人々の刑事訴追を認める、あらゆる法律を再検討し改正すること
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