(New York, November 4, 2008) – Iran hanged a juvenile offender on October 30, 2008, the seventh this year, only two days after Iranian authorities “categorically denied” that it still executes juveniles, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and Human Rights Watch said today. Both organizations appealed to Iranian authorities to end such executions immediately.
Iran is the only country to have executed juvenile offenders so far this year. It also leads all countries of the world in executing juvenile offenders, accounting for more than 80 percent of (or 27 of 33) such executions during the past three and a half years. At least 130 juvenile offenders are on death row in Iran.
“It is tragic that Iran is continuing to kill juvenile offenders,” said Clarisa Bencomo, Middle East children’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Iran urgently needs to end its isolated position and abolish these executions.”
On October 30, the judicial branch of Isfahan province in Iran announced it had carried out that morning the death sentence of Gholamreza H., an Afghan national convicted of murder. The news release posted on its web site said that Gholamreza H. was 19 years old at the time of his execution and had been convicted of a murder committed on November 20, 2006, when he was 17.
Iranian officials repeatedly have denied executing juvenile offenders, most recently on October 28, in a statement at the United Nations during discussions of the UN secretary-general’s reports on the death penalty and on Iranian human rights abuses. Earlier in October, as the UN held its annual debate on the rights of the child, a senior official in Iran’s Judiciary announced a directive commuting death sentences for all juvenile offenders. Three days later, the same official told the Associated Press that the directive would only apply to narcotics cases and would not affect any of the juvenile offenders currently on death row.
“このような声明は国連でイランにおける人権侵害の問題が議論されている時に出された煙幕に過ぎなかったようである。”と、ハジ・ガエミ、イラン内人権保護に向けた国際運動(International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran)コーディネーターは語った。
“These announcements appear to be little more than a smoke screen issued when Iran’s human rights record is debated before the UN,” said Hadi Ghaemi, coordinator of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.
イラン内人権保護に向けた国際運動(International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran)とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、生存権の侵害であるとして、どんな状況下における死刑であっても、それに反対している。特に、18歳になる前に犯罪行った者に対して死刑を科すことで、イランは明確にしかも特定の人権保護に関する義務規定を無視している。そのような犯罪に死刑を科す事はイランが批准している2大人権保護条約(市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約と子どもの権利条約)によって禁止されている。
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and Human Rights Watch oppose capital punishment in all circumstances as a violation of the right to life and because of its cruel and inhumane nature. In particular, in imposing death sentences on people for crimes committed before the age of 18, Iran flouts clear and specific human rights obligations. The imposition of the death penalty for such offenses is prohibited under two major human rights treaties that Iran has ratified – the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
イラン内人権保護に向けた国際運動(International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran)とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、犯行時18歳未満であった者に対する死刑執行計画を直ちに中止すること、全ての事件において犯行時未成年であった者に対する死刑廃止を法制化すること、国際的人権保護義務規定を尊重することをイランに要求した。
The groups called on Iran to halt immediately any plans to carry out death sentences for persons who were under 18 at the time of the offense, to legislate abolition of the death penalty for juvenile offenders in all cases, and to respect its international human rights obligations.