
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 環太平洋経済連携協定:諸権利について重大な懸念



(Washington, DC January 12, 2016) – The proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) economic and trade agreement raises numerous human rights concerns despite unprecedented efforts to address labor issues, Human Rights Watch said today in a new Q & A. The TPP’s rights problems should be addressed before the agreement enters into force, Human Rights Watch said.

(ワシントンDC、2016年1月12日)-提案された環太平洋経済連携協定(以下TPP)は、労働問題への対処にかつてないほど努力しているが、依然として重大な人権上の懸念をもたらしている、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は本日公表のQ & Aで述べた。TPPが抱える諸権利の問題には協定実施前に対処すべきだ。

“As the TPP moves toward ratification, policymakers should reflect carefully on how the agreement will affect over 800 million people living in Pacific Rim countries,” said Sarah Margon, Washington Director at Human Rights Watch. “The TPP is a far-reaching agreement whose human rights harms should be addressed now before they are replicated in future trade and economic agreements worldwide.”


The agreement should have gone further to protect labor rights, and there are serious concerns with provisions related to the right to health, free expression and privacy online. The agreement’s labor chapter and associated bilateral agreements do not have adequate labor rights safeguards for countries with poor labor rights records, like Vietnam, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, and Brunei.


Another concern raised in the Q & A is that the TPP’s provisions affecting the pharmaceutical industry, which extend monopolistic patent and regulatory protections, will make it more difficult for people to affordably obtain life-saving medicines. In addition, the TPP’s copyright provisions could make it easier for governments to abuse intellectual property rules to stifle online dissent.

Q & A中で取り上げたもう一つの懸念事項は、医薬産業に影響を及ぼすTTPの規定が、独占を認める特許期間と規制保護期間を延長する結果、「命にかかわる薬」の安価での入手が困難になる。加えてTTPの著作権条項は、政府が知的所有権を巡る法律を乱用し、オンライン上の反体制活動を容易に弾圧する危険がある。

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