
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 世界は児童労働で利益を挙げ、児童は危険に晒されている



(Geneva June 6, 2016) – Governments should better regulate businesses to prevent child labor in global supply chains, Human Rights Watch said in a video released today, in advance of the World Day against Child Labor, June 12, 2016. Child labor in global supply chains is the theme for the World Day in 2016.


Millions of children risk pain, sickness, injury, and even death to produce goods and services for the global economy. Human Rights Watch has documented hazardous child labor in agriculture, mining, the leather and apparel industry, and other sectors.


“Consumers usually have no way of knowing whether the food they eat, the clothing and jewelry they wear, or other products they buy were made with child labor,” said Jo Becker, children’s rights advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “Companies shouldn’t profit from the exploitation of children.”


The video features children working in gold mines in the Philippines and Tanzania, weaving carpets in Afghanistan, and toiling in tobacco fields in the United States and agricultural settlements in the West Bank. Richard, a 13-year old working in a Tanzanian gold mine, says: “I don’t like mining at all. I’d like to go to school full time.”


In today’s global economy, businesses often rely on complicated supply chains. Raw materials may be produced in multiple countries, processed or assembled into finished goods in another, and consumed in markets across the globe. Children may be exploited at any stage of the supply chain, but child labor is most common in the early stages of production.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 168 million children are involved in child labor globally, including 85 million who are engaged in hazardous work that jeopardizes their health or safety.


Human Rights Watch has documented hazardous conditions for children mining gold in Ghana, Mali, Tanzania, and the Philippines. An estimated one million children worldwide work in small-scale, labor-intensive mines and 15 percent of the world’s gold is sourced from artisanal mines. Children risk death and injury climbing into unstable mine shafts and carrying heavy bags of ore. They also may suffer irreversible brain damage from handling mercury, a highly toxic substance used to process gold that is exported to refineries in Dubai and Switzerland.


Tanneries in Bangladesh, which export more than US$1 billion worth of leather each year to countries around the world, often employ children, some as young as 11. Some of these children become ill from exposure to hazardous chemicals and have been injured in horrific workplace accidents.


An estimated 70 percent of child laborers work in agriculture, which is often hazardous due to pesticide exposure, work with sharp tools or heavy machinery, and long hours spent laboring in extreme heat. Human Rights Watch found that Palestinian children often work in hazardous conditions on Israeli agricultural settlements in the West Bank, growing and harvesting crops that are exported to the US and Europe.


Human Rights Watch has also documented hazardous conditions for children working on tobacco farms in the United States and Indonesia that supply international cigarette manufacturers. In both countries, at least half of the child tobacco workers interviewed had experienced nausea, vomiting, headaches, and dizziness, symptoms consistent with acute nicotine poisoning.


Existing international standards related to businesses and child labor are voluntary. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, among others, spell out human rights responsibilities of businesses, but have no enforcement mechanism.


Human Rights Watch calls for binding international standards that would require businesses to carry out due diligence – measures to ensure their operations respect human rights and do not contribute to human rights abuses – throughout their supply chains to prevent child labor and other human rights abuses. On May 30, representatives of governments, trade unions, and employer organizations began discussions regarding the possibility of new ILO standards on decent work in global supply chains at the International Labor Conference in Geneva.


“When standards are voluntary, some companies take them seriously, but others simply ignore them even though the lives and safety of children and other workers are at stake,” Becker said. “Governments should impose mandatory rules on businesses to make sure they address child labor and other human rights abuses throughout their supply chains.”





PHILIPPINES “Michelle”,16-year-old Filipino gold panner

I started panning when I was six years old. It’s the only way to make a living and to afford something to eat.   

  • フィリピン 砂金採集労働者 ミシェル(16歳)


Jo Becker, Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

Today, there are 168 million children engaged in child labor worldwide. In today’s globalized economy, the food that we eat, the jewelry or the clothing that we wear, the products that we buy, often go through many steps to reach the global market. Children may be involved at different stages in making those products especially at the local level, in local farms, in local factories. Multinational companies that sell these products have a responsibility to make sure that they do not use child labor at any stage of their supply chain.

When products are made with child labor, it also means that businesses are profiting from the exploitation of children.

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー



AFGHANISTAN Azizullah, Afghan carpet weaver

My name is Azizullah. I’m 12. I’ve been weaving carpets for about seven years.  There are 11 of us brothers and sisters and we earn our living for our family through carpet weaving.

  • アフガニスタン カーペット織工 アジズラー(12歳)



Jo Becker, Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

Now not all work by children is bad. But when children are too young, when their work interferes with their schooling, or if they’re working in conditions that threaten their health and their safety, that needs to be prohibited.

The majority of child laborers in the world, 70% are working in agriculture.

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー




WEST BANK 16-year-old Palestinian laborer

Summer is the hardest because we go inside the hothouses and it’s extremely hot.  We spray [pesticides] in there but they don’t provide us masks or gloves to protect ourselves.

  • ウェストバンク地区 イスラエル入植地のパレスチナ人労働者(16歳)



Jo Becker, Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

Children often work very long hours in extreme heat.  They often work with sharp tools or heavy machinery that can cause accidents and death. One of the biggest concerns is that they’re often exposed to toxic pesticides that can cause cancer, respiratory difficulties, reproductive health problems and neurological deficits. 

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー



“Jimena”, 15-year-old  US farm worker

When they spray, you can tell the chemical is very, very, very strong.  I couldn’t work at all. I couldn’t even stand. I was just laying in the bed.

*米国 タバコ農場労働者 ジメナ(15歳)



Jo Becker, Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

In dozens of countries, children also work in tobacco fields and this adds an additional factor that is quite dangerous for children which is the exposure to nicotine. They can absorb nicotine through their skin and experience poisoning that takes the form of dizziness, nausea vomiting and headaches.


About a million children world wide work in mining which is one of the most dangerous forms of child labor.

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー




PHILIPPINES  “Edwin”, Filipino mine worker

One time, when we were down in the pit, my companions were bringing down lumber.  The rope around the wood loosened and the lumber fell down us. Fortunately, we managed to evade it. If not, we would have died.

*フィリピンの鉱山労働者 エドウィン(17歳)



Jo Becker ,Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

Children mining gold will often use mercury to separate the gold from the ore. Mercury is incredibly dangerous for children. It can cause neurological problems including irreversible brain damage. Some of the children that Human Rights Watch interviewed reported spasms, tremors and other symptoms that are consistent with mercury poisoning.

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー



Ezekiel, 15-year-old Tanzanian mine worker

When you are burning the gold, you inhale the mercury fumes.

*タンザニアの鉱山労働者 エゼキエル(15歳)



Jo Becker ,Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

Child labor creates a vicious cycle of poverty.  Children will often go to work because they’re trying to help their families.  But when they go to work at an early age, they are more likely to drop out of school and they end up in dead end jobs where they can never get ahead.

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー



Richard, 13-year-old Tanzanian mine worker.

I don’t like mining at all. I’d like to go to school full-time but I can’t afford to pay for my uniform or books. I mine so I am able to buy these things but otherwise, I would never consider mining,.

*タンザニアの鉱山労働者 リチャード(13歳)



Jo Becker ,Advocacy Director, Children’s Rights, Human Rights Watch

Governments have a responsibility to ensure that children have access to education and an adequate standard of living. But governments also have a responsibility to regulate businesses that might exploit children.

Today’s global standards on business and human rights are voluntary. What that means is that some companies take them seriously but many companies don’t. What we need is for governments to step up and ensure that there are mandatory rules so that all companies regardless of where they operate, have to take steps to ensure that they do not exploit children or any other worker in the production of their goods.

*ナレーション HRW子どもの権利アドボカシー局長ジョー・ベッカー



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