
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ロシア/シリア:クラスター弾の使用を拡大



(New York December 20, 2015) – The military offensive that the Russian and Syrian government forces opened against armed groups opposed to the government on September 30, 2015, has included extensive use of cluster munitions – inherently indiscriminate and internationally banned weapons.


The use violates United Nations resolution 2139 of February 22, 2014, which demanded that all parties involved in Syria end “indiscriminate employment of weapons in populated areas,” Human Rights Watch said. It also contradicts a statement issued by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on November 9, 2015, in which it insisted that the Syrian Arab Armed Forces do not and will not use indiscriminate weapons.


“Syria’s promises on indiscriminate weapons ring hollow when cluster munitions keep hitting civilians in many parts of the country,” said Ole Solvang, deputy emergencies director. “The UN Security Council should get serious about its commitment to protect Syria’s civilians by publicly demanding that all sides stop the use of cluster munitions.”


Human Rights Watch documented that cluster munitions were used on at least 20 occasions since Syria and Russia began their joint offensive on September 30. Human Rights Watch collected detailed information about attacks in nine locations that have killed at least 35 civilians, including five women and 17 children, and injured dozens. Two attacks hit camps for the displaced. For the other attacks, Human Rights Watch obtained visual confirmation of the cluster munition used and a second source confirmed the attack. The cluster munitions used in Syria recently that Human Rights Watch was able to confirm were manufactured in the former Soviet Union or Russia.


On the same day that Syrian authorities promised to not use indiscriminate weapons, cluster munitions fell on a camp for internally displaced people in Younseyeh, a village in Idlib province, near the Turkish border. Hospital staff reported that the attack killed seven civilians and injured dozens.


“All of a sudden we heard rockets whistling and explosions all around us,” a visitor to the camp told Human Rights Watch. “I just looked around me in shock and couldn’t feel anything. I had to grab my arm because it was broken and swinging widely.”


Human Rights Watch has documented that several cluster munition attacks in populated areas occurred since then, including an attack that hit two operational schools in Douma, a suburb of Damascus, which killed at least eight children.


The Syrian authorities have not made their November 9 statement denying use of indiscriminate weapons public, but the November monthly implementation report on resolution 2139 includes a reference to it (in paragraph 3).


Cluster munitions are explosive weapons that can be delivered from the ground by artillery and rockets, or dropped from aircraft. A total of 118 countries have banned cluster munitions due to the harm caused at the time of attack and because their submunitions often fail to explode and threaten civilians and military alike, until cleared and destroyed. Human Rights Watch urges Syria and Russia to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions.


Through a review of photographs and videos posted online, as well as interviews with local residents, Human Rights Watch identified seven types of air-dropped and ground-launched cluster munitions recently used in the northern Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib.


Human Rights Watch has determined that Russian or Syrian forces were responsible for the attacks. Armed opposition groups do not operate aircraft, which means that Russian or Syrian government forces were responsible for the air-dropped cluster munitions. The four types of ground-fired cluster munitions used recently were launched from large vehicles that are complicated to operate and have never been seen in the possession of armed opposition groups. For several attacks using the 9M55K cluster munition rocket, geo-located video footage shows that the rockets were fired from the base of the Zeyn al-Abedeen mountain, just north of Hama city, in an area controlled by the Syrian military.


All the recent cluster munition attacks documented by Human Rights Watch fell on opposition-controlled territory. Human Rights Watch has not been able to determine whether Russian or Syrian forces were responsible in individual cases, as they use many of the same weapons and frequently conduct their operations jointly.


The appearance of cluster munitions produced more recently than the ones used before the Russian air campaign began – including two that have not been documented in use in Syria before – combined with recent extensive cluster munition use, suggest that either Russian aircraft dropped them or Russian authorities recently provided the Syrian government with more cluster munitions, or both, Human Rights Watch said.


More than 140 countries have condemned the use of cluster munitions in Syria in UN General Assembly resolutions and statements. This includes the United States and dozens of countries that are not parties to the international treaty, which comprehensively prohibits cluster munitions and requires their clearance and assistance to victims. At the First Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions in September 2015, states issued a declaration that condemned any use of cluster munitions by any actor.


Russia has not commented on reports by Human Rights Watch and others that it has used cluster munitions in its Syria operation or transferred new cluster munitions to the Syrian government, but on December 7, Russia voted against the first resolution by the UN General Assembly in support of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The resolution was adopted 139 to 2 (Russia and Zimbabwe), with 40 abstentions.


Human Rights Watch is a co-founder of the Cluster Munition Coalition and serves as its chair. On October 1, the global campaign warned Russia against using any cluster munitions in Syria due to the “foreseeable and preventable” danger posed to civilians.


“Civilians are paying the price of the Syrian-Russian offensive’s use of cluster munitions, with their lives and limbs,” Solvang said. “These weapons should never be used under any circumstances.”


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