
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。

デジブック 『あじさいの魅力』 消費にとりつかれた子供達

2011年06月24日 | 日記
デジブック 『あじさいの魅力』

American children and adolescents are the most brand oriented ,consumer-involved and materialistic generation now.
It means high concern about appearance and clothes. an obsession with celebrity and wealth.
They became increasingly selfcritical and unhappy. On the other hand children who are not as materialistic were found to have less depression and anxiety
fewer psychosomatic complaints, more self-esteem,and better relationship with their parents. I heard.


2011年06月19日 | 日記

I went to the Curves. Curves is a spetial place for excersise.
There are many ladies who play sports together using spetial mashine.
There are an old friends who worked together long ago.
She teaches many things for me and I became her introduction to this place.
In that cace many things became cheaper. I'm lucky.I don't like sports
but in this case insructer teaches me how to use mashine. And there are many old people playing together.
I feel I can continue this sports. I became the menber.From tomorrow I'll try.

デジブック 『移り気』 10億人の子供達が苦しんでいると言う。

2011年06月18日 | 日記
デジブック 『移り気』

Much of the progress was made during the past 15 years.
Since 1990, It has been offset by wars, AIDS and poverty.
In many of this conflicts, children are abducted by rebels, raped or used in the fighting. Multinutrituin is rampant. The number of children orphaned .
Over two million children were employed in the sex Industry.
While annual military spending has reached $956 billion, combating poverty would cost between $40 and $70 billion.
It is incredible.

デジブック 『花菖蒲@マクロ』

2011年06月17日 | 日記
デジブック 『花菖蒲@マクロ』

Today I went to Friday English Class.
Recently I couldn't understand English well.
Many classmates understand cmpared with me.
I had to study before going to the class.I had to make effort for English.
Because many classmate study English more than 10 years.
I start only one and half year ago. I decide to start to learn English.


2011年06月15日 | 日記
Today I leaned excel.

Today I learned " or,and,count,countif,average."
I can understand all.
Yesterday I went to Narita first.
I bought a new car.My new car and I were purifiied at the shirine by the priest .
I paied 5000 yen. It was expensive,but I wish my safety by Narita Shinsyou Temple.
Next I went to my daughter's house to mow the grass. She came home after nine.
But she was pleased our visit.


2011年06月13日 | 日記
I lost the (okiniiri) because of internet explorer 9.

I changed the internet explorer from 8 to 9.
I lost my best blog.
Everyday I am very interested in the blog which is writen by the owner of coffee shop in Gifu.
The blog always show us an old songs in many ways.
It is very nice. But I can't find out that blog .
I'm very sorry.


2011年06月12日 | 日記
I went to Sodegaura Park.

Irish frowers are beautiful.
I went to the park near my town.
The park is very wide and beautiful. It is my first experience to go to that park.
There are a lot of people. Bus came to the park,too.
I visited the store owned by agricaltural cooporation.I enjoyed very much.
My mother in low was pleased with visiting.


2011年06月08日 | 日記
I try making cakes.

My friends taught me how to make Apple cake.
But I can't make it well.
The cake is very cheap.But it is very delicious. I want to make it well.
The pan is different.I tried four times. Maybe today I will be able to make it well.
In that cace I want to give it my mother in low.


2011年06月04日 | 日記
Blood Transfusion increase moratality risk.

The patients who were routinly given blood transfusion had an increased risk of dying compared with those who did not receive transfusion.
That risk was present after adjustment for demographic charestaristics.
That risk was present in-hospital events such as bleeding and invasive procedures.
The doctors say " We caution against the routine use of blood transfusion to maintain arbitrary hemotocri level in stable patients with ischamic heartdisease."