
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。

12/8東京モーターショーに行く  12/10皆既月食

2011年12月10日 | 日記

On Thursday I went to Tokyo big sigt to see the morter show.
When we were young, we enjoed it very much. But nowaday we are not so interested in cars.
Eco system is very popular. I enjoyed the student's car which was made in the Japanese special car school.
I enjoyed the food car which sells world food. I ate Turkey, India, Mexican food.
They were very delicious.
My husband came back to my daughter's house.
We enjoyed Tokyo station.It changed very much.


2011年12月02日 | 日記

Recently I studid computter very well.But I finish almost all of the class.
I have started volunteer to make homepages for Yaehara Public Hall's groups.
So from now I decided to study English very hard.
Every night I listened to MD. I thougt I could remenber English by using MD.
I have belief that it isn't too late to study.