
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2013年06月08日 | 日記
My mother died on 21st She was hospitalized for 2months,She could not eat and drink for 2 months.She becamestroke 37 yeas ago. She could"t walk and speak for 37years, But she lived for me and for my family.She was so nice ,/She always smile to us, She always wave hand and play for us. I like my mother very much. She lived for me for more than 37yeaes, I wish her to sleep pea ecullu.
My daughter got married on 26th in Mmay. I nevernspoke about my mother after her wedding ceremony fainished, I wish her to have a happy wedding, I never talk about my mother to my relatives too.It"s very hard zfor me not to speak about my mother.She had a nice ceremony. She was very beautiful,Her husband is very nice too,
after her weddin I had to speak about her grandmother's death.She was so pity, But many pele came to my mother's funeral, Thank you very much to attend my mother's funeral.