
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2012年05月26日 | 日記

A solar eclipse occurred last Monday.
After 173 years we Japanese can watch it.
But I couldn't watch it because of clouds.
We bought spetial lens for a solar eclipse.
About 7:30 it became darker and darker. I was very surprised to see it.


2012年05月18日 | 日記

My husband ,his mother, and his sister's family went to Sado today.
I can't go with them because I have to take care of my mother.
My mother is very important for me. If I weren't here, only my father can't take care of her.
Someday I want to go abroad by myself.
My daughter gave me two tickets on Mother's day.
One is for GOING OUT it means when I go out, she takes care of her grandmother.
Another is for GOING OUT TOGETHE WITH HER ticket.I'm very glad to hear them.
MY daughter in low gave me a ticket for concrt, too.Thank you.


2012年05月08日 | 日記

Today was my son's holiday.He took my mother to the restaurant.
He prepared a wheelchair and pushed it to the restaurant.
While I was eating ,I had to feed my mother.My son finished eating earlier.
He feed my mother.And after that he took my mother to the supermarket by himself.
It is first experience for him to take my mother by himself.
My mother was very glad to my son. I thought my son became an adult.