
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。

デジブック 『200冊の歩み・前編』母胆石の内視鏡検査

2011年07月22日 | 日記
デジブック 『200冊の歩み・前編』

My mother is staying a hospuital from July 19th. Today she has a check called an endoscope.
The doctor breaks a gallstone by using an endoscope.She is 81 years old now.She is handicapped .
I think it is too hard for her to take this kind of treatment. But she can endure .
I'm very glad. She can live . She can live with me.All of my family menbers are very glad to see her fine face.

デジブック 『大賀蓮』母体調崩す

2011年07月14日 | 日記
デジブック 『大賀蓮』

My mother was sick in bed for about 10 days.
Last Monday the doctor visited her to shot and gave her medison.
But she couldn't sit to eat and gradually she couldn't eat anything. But today she ate "Sushi"for the first time.
I was very glad. She can live I believe.
For a long time I don't have time to write blog.