
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2012年11月22日 | 日記
11/18 12/2 1/20 I attend the cooking school in TOKYO GUS in Chiba.
The menu is for Christmas ,New Year' day and Valentine.
The cooking is very cute and looks nice.
Almost all of the menbers there are very young.
I can't remenber the procedure easily.
But youn girls teach me how to cook.
The drinks is very cute.I want to try when some of my friends visit me.


2012年11月14日 | 日記
I couldn't use a computar for a long time. I forgot almost everything for two months.
I want to write what I can remenber.I built a shed which I bought in Costoco.
I couldn't put it together, I asked the carpenters to assemble.The shed is very nice. It looks like a house.
My father remade a car port and paint a fence. I decided the collar. It is beautiful. I am saticefied these constructions.

I can become a translator in my city. Three Chinese , one Korean, two Philippinos and four Japanese become translators.
My new world start.I'm very glad to get a nice job.

My daughter left her house to her lovers house.
He built their own house last year.They will get married next month. Im very glad her to be happy.

I listened Jamaica's ladies speech.
Her country is not rich but all of the oeople attend every Friday night party in street.
To have much money doesn't mean happiness. I like her country. I want to go to the restaurant in Kiyomidai to eat Jamaican