
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2011年10月07日 | 日記

Today my husband can make jacket of DVD.
I'm very glad to see it.
Today I studied about the foreign workers in Japan.
They had very hard time long ago in Japan.
But we Japanese admmit them to work here. It is benefit of Japan.
Our country becomes international. We have to change.


2011年10月03日 | 日記

Yesterday was a festival of Mishima area.
Parents of my daughter in lows visited my husband house.
They went to Mishima shirine with my mother in low.
They enjoyed the festival from 11:00AM to 3:00PM.
They watched many cultural celemonys in the festival.
After watching it they visited my husband's house.
I prepared many food for them.
I tried MAKIZUSHI for the first time.
They enjoyed my cooking.
My friend (She is now a principal of Seiwa junior High)visited me and gave me many cakes and bread.
She talked with my relatives. I'm very glad to see them.
I enjoyed this years festival very much.


2011年10月01日 | 日記
デジブック 『2011年大雪山紅葉』

"Friday English"

I studied about foreign workers at Friday English.
After 2007 many foreign worker receied education in Japan.
They found work after graduation from Japanese college or special training school.
They became translators and interpreters.
They intended to stay much longer.
One third of foreign workers are listed as heads of household with contract worker or temporary worker status.

We have to think more about foreign workers status.