
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2013年10月09日 | 日記
I went to Chyoshi and Sakura with my old friend.She organised that trip by herself.
She gathered her student's mother ,her friend in Curves, her neighboured ,and all kinds of people.
She tried this same kinds of trip for the third time.
But a few days ago, her father got sick. Ithought she couldn't attend the trip.
But she joined and lead us .
I was very surprised her way of leaving. She is very nice. We could enjoy the trip very much.
Thank you my old friends!


2013年07月22日 | 日記
I prepared for 8/1 ( Bonnku)Today.
MY mother was only one child. She didn't have any brothers and sisters. She has only one child.
Nobody will come on Bonnku. But I prepared for someone.
It is very difficult to count the number of relatives.
I prepared for 8/13 and 8/14 ,too.
I bought subaniors for relatives.


2013年06月08日 | 日記
My mother died on 21st She was hospitalized for 2months,She could not eat and drink for 2 months.She becamestroke 37 yeas ago. She could"t walk and speak for 37years, But she lived for me and for my family.She was so nice ,/She always smile to us, She always wave hand and play for us. I like my mother very much. She lived for me for more than 37yeaes, I wish her to sleep pea ecullu.
My daughter got married on 26th in Mmay. I nevernspoke about my mother after her wedding ceremony fainished, I wish her to have a happy wedding, I never talk about my mother to my relatives too.It"s very hard zfor me not to speak about my mother.She had a nice ceremony. She was very beautiful,Her husband is very nice too,
after her weddin I had to speak about her grandmother's death.She was so pity, But many pele came to my mother's funeral, Thank you very much to attend my mother's funeral.


2013年04月20日 | 日記
My mother is hospitalized for one month. She can't eat and drink.She is very pity.Her omission doesn't work well.
She had omission twice I want her to eat from the omission. I want her to live until my daughter's wedding.
lAll of my family members went to her hospital. I go there every day. I want to meet my mother and her smiling face. I wish her to live more.

I became 60 on 17th. My husband became 63 on 19th. The Kamiko ,my daughter and my daugter in low presented us. thank you.


2013年03月22日 | 日記
my mother went to the hospital by ambulance 19th of Mar ch. she could't breath smoothly. I was very sad.she is very important for me.She couldn't walk and speek more than 37years.But she lives for me.Because I am only one child for her.I want my mother to live for a long time.


2013年03月15日 | 日記
I write a child allowance in Kimitsu.It is very difficult to translate.But I tried with my friends.I have to make translation landfill Tuesday. I read Kyoto's child allowance. It is very similar to us. I have to do very hard.


2013年03月14日 | 日記
My friend become a cancer. I am afraid .I want her to be fine. The other friend become numb. She couldn't move I want her to be fine ,too. I always want to talk them ,and eat with them.I wish their health.


2013年03月13日 | 日記
I try to write blog by using tablet for the first time.. My father's sister died ..my father is very sorry..my son bought a chair for my mother , he is very nice .. I went to see the cherry blossoms with my husband with curry..I enjoyed very much..

デジブック 『お雛様』

2013年02月16日 | 日記
デジブック 『お雛様』


2013年02月16日 | 日記

I can find out many kinds of English teaching materials.
But I have to find out how to set in the classroom.
Any way I don't need to find out recording materials from now.

Yesterday we went to Kanikousen with my dauter in low's family.
My mother can go with us.