Does the universe have intention?

Human will is created from unconscious.
Also, ・・・

What is the value of living?

2020-03-12 22:47:25 | ブログ

As the global environment worsens due to population growth,

"Is Humanity Worth Being on Earth?" Some people will have the idea.

However, people were not born on their own initiative You can't really know the value of living.

Therefore, without understanding human values, You have to live according to your needs.

It is the same not only for humans, but also for all other beings.





人口の増加に伴う地球環境の悪化が起こる中、 「地球にとって人類は存在する価値があるのか」


しかし、人は自らの意思で生まれてきた訳ではなく その生きる価値も本当には知ることは出来ません。

従って、人間は自らの価値を理解することなく、 欲求に従って生きるしかないのです。

