DEVIAPPLE Let's laugh!!

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花見だよ、全員集合!!/The HANAMI 04

2007年04月04日 22時45分53秒 | Hybrid

If it is a doting parent degree, it is Big daddy and Maria who do not have the limit.
Mika「Brandon!! I brought the delicious HANAMI BENTO for you!!」
Bunji and Seras「Oh,No……」
The HANAMI BENTO of Bunji and Seras are misted. However, Any gorgeous BENTO are full of love. They enjoyed delicious HANAMI BENTO because they forgot to see cherry blossoms.
The fin.

花見だよ、全員集合!!/The HANAMI 03

2007年04月03日 22時32分13秒 | Hybrid

Brandon dog invited Mika. Mika is a pet dog of Big daddy and Maria.
Brandon dog「Hello.Mika.Do you have time on the weekend?」
Mika「Brandon? Hi!! Of course I have time.」
Mika loves Brandon dog.So,She demands gorgeous HANAMI BENTO from dad and mom.
…to be continued.