DEVIAPPLE Let's laugh!!

Kayo's pics and comics blog.

花見弁当 03

2009年04月19日 20時10分32秒 | My Life as a Dog
十二が泣きながらお弁当を食べてる同じ時、動物達は文治が手間ヒマ掛けたそれはそれは美味しいランチをいただいておりました。文治がブランドン犬とにゃんこリーに惜しみなく注ぐ愛情の100万分の1でも注いでもらえる時が、果たして十二には来るのでしょうか? がんばれ十二!!(終)

When jyuji is eating Bunji's bentou,Brandon dog and Lee cat were eating very delicious lunch that Bunji made for them.
Brandon dog「Bunji! This chicken is perfect.!!」
Bunji「Thank you.Mr.Brandon.My special spice was used for this,and……」
Poor Jyuji!! Bunji's attention is not on Jyuji.
The fin.

花見弁当 01

2009年04月12日 16時24分58秒 | My Life as a Dog

Hanami Bento
Jyuji is sitting on the bench in the park with full-blown cherry blossoms.and He has the Hanami Bento that Bunji made for him.
Jyuji want to eat Bunji's Hanami Bento.Because, he wasn't invited to their Hanami party(Check 2007/April).So,Jyuji demands that every day.
Jyuji「Big bro!! I want to eat your Hanami Bento!!」
Finally,Bunji did it.What kind of Hanami Bento he made?
…to be continude.