
巨大マフィアの大幹部の威厳もへったくれもあったものじゃありません。親ばかぶりに益々磨きがかかるハリーです。…リーにとっては頭痛のタネでしかないのですが…がんばれリー!! こんな自己チューわがままボスの手綱をとれるのはキミだけだ!!


Brandon dog"Harry.I wanna MERON GUMA doll

Can you buy it for me in Japan?"
Harry"Of course, darling

I will send somebody there.Do you want anything more?"
Brandon do"Yeah!!! I want...."Brandon's asking continues about what he wants.
However, Lee is angry.
Lee"Continue holding a meeting!! This is very important thing!!"
He can never feel at ease, because of selfish Harry.poor Lee

the fin