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Harry comes back…? 03

2009年01月25日 17時15分27秒 | My Life as a Dog
おお!! 遂にハリーが帰ってきそう?(続く)

Harry「Brandon!! I come back right now.Lee!! Ready my jet!!」
Brandon dog「Really
Lee「Hey,hey!! What are you talking? You have many important business talks!」
Harry「Shut up!! I don't care!!!」
Finally,Does Harry come back?
…to be continued.

Harry comes back…? 02

2009年01月18日 13時04分52秒 | My Life as a Dog

Brandon dog「When do you come back? I miss you,Harry…」
Harry got the shock of the lightning in the words of Brandon dog which he loves.Because Brandon dog has never asked this Harry.
…to be continued.

Harry comes back…? 01

2009年01月12日 17時50分53秒 | My Life as a Dog

Every night,Harry MacDowell call to Brandon dog.Because,He cannot sleep if he doesn't see his Brandon dog's face.
Harry「Brandon! Baby!」Harry's face is very special face in front of Brandon dog.
Brandon dog「Harry!!」
Harry「Did you enjoy the vacation on the mountain? Good!!」He is talking about the haunted house
Brandon dog「Harry!!」His voice is serious.
Harry「Yes,darling.What do you want? Tell me!!」
…to be continued.