無事天国へ行った幽霊からさっそくお礼の品々が届きました。最高級黒毛牛をはじめ山海の珍味がどっさり。さっそく厨房担当の舎弟NO.3が新鮮な食材で腕をふるい食卓へ。ブランドン犬はステーキのおかわりしちゃってます。超グルメわんこを唸らせるとはさすが最高級黒毛ビーフ。きっと日本産ですね。にゃんこリーも焼き魚をがぶり…これで何匹目? まずは今回の功労者にお腹いっぱい食べてもらわないとね。幽霊騒ぎも決着が着き、やっと安眠できると喜んでる舎弟たちですが、果たして安眠できるでしょうか…? なにやら新手の気配が…(終)
One day,They received the thanks's gift from the ghost.
The black hair cow,fish,fresh fruits and many foods.They cook themselves, and have the luxurious meal.
Brandon dog likes the meat, and Lee cat likes the fish.
Brandon dog and Lee cat「How delicious!!」
Brandon dog「Give me one more steak!!」This is finest beef.
Bunji「Don't eat too much…」
Bunji's boys were relieved when it could sleep well from now.
But this house is true haunted house.It seems that one more goblin woke up.
Will they be able to sleep well?
The fin.
One day,They received the thanks's gift from the ghost.
The black hair cow,fish,fresh fruits and many foods.They cook themselves, and have the luxurious meal.
Brandon dog likes the meat, and Lee cat likes the fish.
Brandon dog and Lee cat「How delicious!!」
Brandon dog「Give me one more steak!!」This is finest beef.
Bunji「Don't eat too much…」
Bunji's boys were relieved when it could sleep well from now.
But this house is true haunted house.It seems that one more goblin woke up.
Will they be able to sleep well?
The fin.
なんだか本格的なお化け屋敷だったようで、今度のはちょっと犬猫の手に余りそうな相手です。ま、それならぽぷたんに来てもらって大掃除してもらいましょう 年末だし丁度いいかと。