

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 19

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 19




In December, a report came from the land of Koshi (越国). The report stated: “People from Mishihase (粛慎, a Tungusic people) arrived at Minabe Cape (御那部の崎), north of Sado Island (佐渡ヶ島), on a single boat. They anchored there and spent the spring and summer fishing for food. The islanders, fearing these strangers as either non-human or demons, avoided them. In the eastern part of the island, a man from the village of Umu (禹武里) collected acorns to eat and tried to roast them by placing them in hot ash. To his astonishment, the acorn shells transformed into two human figures, leaping about one foot above the fire, and they continued to fight. The villagers were baffled and placed them in the courtyard, where they kept flying and fighting just as before. One of the villagers, after divining the situation, said, ‘This means that someone in this village will surely be abducted by demons.’ Soon after, just as predicted, someone was indeed kidnapped by a demon.

Later, the Mishihase people moved to Senakawa Beach (瀬波河浦), a place known for the fierce power of its deity, and so the locals dared not approach it. The Mishihase, suffering from a lack of water, drank from a nearby source. As a result, more than half of them died, and their bones were piled up in caves. The locals now call this area the “Mishihase Cave” (粛慎の隈).”

In the spring of the sixth year, in March, Kashiwade no Omihasuhi (膳臣巴提便) was dispatched to Baekje (百済).

In summer, May, Baekje sent officials with the titles of Nasotsu Goryou (奈率其愤), Nasotsu Yougata (奈率用奇多), and Setoku Shishu (施徳次酒) to present a memorial to the Japanese court.

In the autumn of September, Baekje sent an official named Chuho Gotokubodaira (中部護徳菩提) to Mimana (任那). Additionally, Baekje distributed goods obtained from Wu (呉) to the Japanese officials in the Japanese government and the various Kanki (旱岐, regional officials) accordingly.



六年の春三月、膳臣巴提便(かしわでのおみ はすひ)は百済(くだら)に遣わされた。




令和6年10月23日(水) 2024

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