『日本書紀』垂仁天皇 5
Knowing that she could not keep the conspiracy hidden, the Empress, in fear, prostrated herself on the ground and fully disclosed her brother’s rebellion. ‘I could not oppose my brother’s intentions, nor could I betray the Emperor’s kindness. To confess would mean my brother’s death, and to remain silent would jeopardize the nation. Therefore, torn between fear and grief, I choked on my words, shedding tears of blood in extreme emotion. Day and night, I suffered silently, unable to voice my troubles. Resting on my lap, the Emperor would have been easily harmed by a madwoman acting on my brother’s behalf. As these thoughts lingered, my tears flowed, wetting the Emperor’s face. What you saw in your dream was an omen of this. The small brocade snake represents the dagger I was entrusted with, and the rain symbolizes my tears.’ The Emperor reassured the Empress that she was not to blame.
The Emperor dispatched nearby soldiers, ordering Yatsunata of Kamitsuke to attack Sahohiko. Sahohiko resisted with an army. Hastily, he piled up straw from rice paddy to fortify his position, creating a stronghold which was called ‘Inaki’ (Rice Fortress) and was not easily breached. Even as months passed, he did not surrender. Grieving, the Empress lamented, ‘Even as an Empress, losing my brother in such a manner leaves me with no dignity to face the world.’ She took her son, Prince Hootsuwake, and entered her brother’s fortress.
The Emperor intensified the siege and commanded, ‘Release the Empress and the Prince immediately.’ When they did not emerge, Yatsunata set the fortress ablaze. The Empress, holding her son, escaped over the fortress walls. She explained, ‘I fled to my brother’s fortress, hoping our presence might spare him. Realizing it won’t, I accept my guilt. I prefer suicide over capture and will never forget the Emperor’s kindness even in death. Please ensure the imperial harem’s duties are continued by virtuous women. There are five women in Tango, daughters of Tanba Michinushi, a descendant of Prince Hikoimasu, son of Emperor Kaika, or alternatively, of Prince Hikoyumusumi. Please summon them to the palace.’ The Emperor agreed. As the fire raged and the fortress collapsed, the soldiers fled, and both Sahohiko and his sister perished. The Emperor commended Yatsunata’s bravery, bestowing upon him the name Yamato Himukatakebi Mukahi Hiko Yatsunata.
令和6年1月24日(水) 2024