MB Star C3 Diagnostic Tool 2015.03 is a professional and excellent diagnostic tool for trucks and new types of cars. This version of MB STAR C3 can fit all computers which is not only limited on IBM T30, to provide great convenience to customers. MB Star C3 Multiplexer has one hard disk contain DAS and WIS system.
Many customers meet lots of problems and do not know how to solve when using MB Star C3. This article will focus on this point.
MB Star Diagnostic Tools MB Star C3 Diagnostic Tool For BENZ Truck and Cars has past truck test and can be used to do Benz trucks.
1Q: How to do MB Star C3 self diagnostic?
A: Please follow the next instruction to do self diagnostic.
Step 1. Click “STAR UTILITIES”
Step 2. Enter “Star Utilities”, click “Self Diagnosis” and then click “Caesar Self Diagnosis”.
Step 3. The self-test has started, please wait.
Step 4. This is Self-diagnostic report
2.Q: Star C3 got error reading: StarUtils Save not successfully-licCheckLicense XENTRY Diagnostics
4 – StartKey can not be decoded or scheme is not recognized, or appID unknown.
1. “Xentry can’t active, save not successfully”?
Step1. Please reset your computer date to a specific date that three months later than the C3 version (for example, if the C3 is 2013.05, then the computer date should be reset to 2013.08. 2). Step 2. Please activate again. There is a .pdf file named [Open your Star 2013.05] on the C3 operation window, which step-by-step shows how to activate MB star and also we have video demo at
Step 3. If it still can’t be activated after you reset the computer system time, please go to Local Disk (: C) and delete [lic-key2]. Then try to active again.
2. StartKey can not be decoded or scheme is not recognized, or appID unknown?
Please restart your computer or wait for a longer time, and it will display as follow:
3.Q: When I active Xentry, the [Start date] is not as the same as the date you give me, does it need to set time firstly?
A: You only need to set the computer system date. The [Start Date] and [Finish date] is set by us, so just ignore them.
4.Q: I connect Star C3 to the car and the computer, the COM port is also set, but I got the following error.
A: Firstly try to do a self-diagnostic to see whether Star C3 is connected well with the computer and the car, whether it has communication between Star C3 and the software driver or whether the settings is correct. Then according to the self-diagnostic report, you can reset the incorrect operation.
Published on mb star c3